My brother Greg and his family just moved to Hawaii! We are so excited for them. After talking to them after their first night they are already in love. Who could blame them? I looked through some of our pictures from our last trip to Hawaii and feel it's the perfect place to live. After all, it does have...clear water:

Fun luau's where you are suppose to eat a lot:

A temple
BEAUTIFUL places to snorkel

Hikes that end like this!

The view on the hikes aren't so bad either.

Oh, and one of my boys favorites.
Banyon can swing on them. I've never seen these here on the main land, but they are all over Hawaii.
We can't wait to visit you guys. Enjoy!!:)
I'm so jealous. I've been thinking about Hawaii lately. Still never been, but someday. Chloe just had a Hawaiian day at school today -- that must be why I was thinking about it so much! I remember you teaching us how to pronounce Kyle's middle name (or was it Kory's?) Good times.
Sounds like you're a little bit homesick for the Island! I totally would be too! That's next on mine and Brandon's vacation spot lists.
Okay your making me need to go back asap. Dane and I always dream of moving there.
We can't wait to see you!
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