And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Friday, March 4, 2011
I love our boys!
Just thought I'd post a few pictures that show our boys in true character. Trey loves to dress up. One of his favorites is dressing up as a pirate. A friend of mine who has boys gave us this costume when Kyle was's still a favorite. In Character:
OUT of character and laughing at what he said while 'IN character':
Kyle is so happy to be a scout. He just got his bobcat so he can now start on his Bear. Next pack meeting is pinewood gets to make two cars this year!:)
I just got called to Young Women. I teach the girls age 12/13. They are a lot of fun. This week our activity had to be at my house. Makai thought that was just fine. The girls were all over him and he loved every second of it.
Okay, so I took this a few weeks ago when Makai was sick and yes I am fully aware of how nasty his face and shirt are, but that is what he looked like all week(2 weeks actually). I took the picture however because Makai loves to play connect 4. He loves to put the little pieces into the slots. This will occupy him for several minutes. If he is being really quiet I can usually find him somewhere working intently with his fingers trying to put something into something, or stacking objects like blocks. I think we've got another builder on our hands.
I don't think I would ever want to be on that pirates bad side. How adorable though! They are getting so big!
Wonderful pictures. They are sooo cute. Thanks for sharing.
AND congratulations to Kyle!
Enjoy your posts. It's great to see pictures of the boys growing. Thanks for posting! Congrats to Kyle!
Im so glad that I am able to see them through your posting. Thanks for the updates. Capt. Sparrow better watch out.
My Makai, I miss singing to him.
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