It's hard to believe Trey is 4. He's such a fun kid. This morning when I saw him he said, "Mom, I'm 4!" and ran up and gave me a hug. I'm not going to sugar coat things either, he tests my patience, but he's so worth it.
Some of Trey's idiosyncrasy's that I don't want to forget: Trey loves his shoes TIGHT. The velcro can't go any tighter and I constantly have to resew the velcro back onto his shoes because of this strange neurosis . If they aren't tight he throws a fit. The second we get home his shoes and socks come off. He also loves his pants TIGHT. If his pants aren't tight enough he'll cry or go change, usually changing into a pair of pants or shorts and don't match his shirt. This drives me mad. His underwear also need to be tight. He can usually be heard screaming that he doesn't enjoy 'wiggling'. He's not the best eater, but if I feed him he eats great! He loves fruit. We usually fight over him eating too many craisins or raisins. Applesauce is another favorite. He's really good at saying sorry if he knows what he did was inappropriate. He loves to play with tinkertoys and turn them into swords. He loves ice cream, whip cream, and the filling of oreo's. He'll usually eat the inside of an oreo and leaves the cookie part. If he gets cake and ice cream he'll just eat the ice cream. He likes me to tuck him in at night. For dinner he choose Pizza and we made an ice cream cake together this morning. Oh, and he's a great older brother! He is so good to Makai. He'll even let Makai ride on his back like a horse(Makai's favorite). trey loves to talk! When he's 'on one' as we put, it I don't even know if he takes a breath. He loves to make up stories and say that he dreamed them. We love you Trey. It's been a wonderful 4 yrs and we look forward to many, many more.
I can't believe he's 4! That means Chloe is almost 4 can't be. Time is going too fast!! Glad you are in the family buddy, love you!
He sounds fun. Not sure about him having to wear tight pants and all that. Hopefully he'll grow out of that one! lol! I feel like Weston just turned 3 but I know turning 4 is just around the corner for him too! I was thinking last night that Kaitlyn will be 10 next year. Holy cow that makes me feel like, "I am not old enough to have a 10 year old!"
He is definitely related to his cousins. Julie loves just the cream from oreos, we will sometimes find just cookies and no cream. And of course the girls love their fruit and Julie loves to eat anything if you are feeding it to her. Happy Birthday Trey!!!! We love you and I hope you get better at not being a pill, or else Mom is going to have to start taking a pill :)
What a fun boy:) Happy birthday Trey!I miss u all:/ I could just picture him talking then he'll do his cute little smile.
Oh girl, I feel your pain. I'm sure you handle it much better than I, but my 10 year old is the same way regarding her tight pants and having her shoes just right. AHHH! Drives me crazy. But I hope Trey had a wonderful birthday. Sophie just said to me, "He's 4!?" We've never even met him and can't believe how grown up he is. Time flies!
what a great little guy. i'm sure you'll be able to channel his energy in the appropriate channels. I love the comment "he doesn't enjoy wiggling". so funny!
What an amazing and wonderful boy. I don't get the shoes thing at all. He'll wind up like his Mammy with yucky bunions. THEN he won't want tight shoes! But he'll still take them off . . .
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