We can always count on Tyler to keep some fun going in our house. He loves to build and loves a project and this week was no exception. He came up with the idea on Saturday, and Friday after school we finally had some time. I had to take pictures of each of the boys gingerbread houses because they each just say so much about them at this stage of their lives.
We'll start with Trey. I had to get the full body shot of Trey because notice it is the middle of winter and he is in shorts. I can't get the kid to keep clothes on. He has started to stop fighting me when we leave the house. He'll get clothes on because I told him if he doesn't dress warm people might think I don't love him and I DO! Anyway, Trey also LOVES candy! We used Halloween candy for this project and Trey thought he'd died and gone to heaven. I'm not sure how many he ate, and how many made it on his house, but he had a blast! (Notice he pleasant face.) He didn't care so much about his structure, he was just excited to be able to put candy on it! The finished product was pretty cute. |

Next is Kory. He made a witches house. And laughed the whole time. He wanted to use the eyeball and was really particular about the door being open. Kory works on projects very quietly, but dutifully. He knows when he's done and enjoys his work. He really wanted a slanted roof, but I couldn't get it to stay and at that point Makai had woken up so it was hard to help. I asked him if he'd mind having a flat roof to which he said, "Well, I don't really want a flat roof, but it's fine." He is a go with the flow kind of guy most of the time and I appreciate that about him. | |
I didn't get Kyle in his picture, but this is Kyle's. He didn't build a house, but rather a fortress to protect his snowman. Heck a chocolate snowman is worth protecting in my opinion! He wanted toothpicks to be swords. (Notice the sword sticking all the way through the tootsie roll.) He is very focused and patient. Whenever I helped him he'd always say thank you and hugged me about 20 times throughout the night saying I was the best mom ever. Oh, thankfully all those purple nerds with white under them are suppose to be flowers. He does have a sensitive side. Not just barbaric! |
Tyler our perfectionist and slow worker. I finally had to tell him to stop because I needed the project to be over so we could have dinner. If I hadn't stopped him I think he'd still be working on his trying to make it just right. He is very focused. I love that when he strives to do something he wants to do it perfect. I liked his bush in the front. Now Tyler was a little upset because he couldn't get the back of his gingerbread house just perfect. Then Kyle came up with a creative idea and Tyler ran with it. |
He told him to make it look as if a flying saucer had crashed into the house and landed inside. This solved the problem(another one of Kyle's strengths). I thought it was cute and was super glad Kyle had that idea so Tyler would finish up. |

All in all the project was fun. A few crazy things went on while we were doing it. The Carbon Monoxide detector started going off. This left me with a troubling problem make the boys stop what they were doing or try and reset the detector and see if it went off again. I choose the second since no one was feeling any signs of carbon monoxide poisoning. The other crazy thing was MAKAI!! He was asleep when we began, but once he work up it was horrible. I locked him in his high chair and gave him a lollypop thinking that would make him happy, but no...he was still screaming. So I gave him a beater from the frosting he still wasn't happy. He wanted to be ON the table. Finally after he threw down the lollypop and beater, neither eaten very much, I thought I'd just try a movie. Thankfully he was in a movie mood. That saved the day. Just as Monty got home the CO detector went off again, but I was so hungry I decided we would eat before doing anything(still no one was feeling funny). When it went off a third time we called the maintenance guy and he came and took a look. It was just a faulty detector because he put in a new one and it haven't gone off again. He did put some tape on a few things just in case, but all is well. Fun, crazy, night.
That looks like such a fun night! I love that picture of Makaie.. classic. You always get the best pics of your boys!
That looks fun!
Good for you for being able to save all that Halloween candy for so long. My kids is LONG gone!!!!
That's an annual tradition at our house, but this year Chloe wanted to make our own REAL gingerbread. I guess I'm rubbing off on her a bit! But the dough didn't turn out right and was too hard to work with, so they turned into gingerbread men cookies. Not quite the right idea, but it was still fun. How could a kid not look happy amidst that? I love Tyler's patient personality. Great moment you've documented there!
Glad you found a place to use all the Halloween candy (;
Each house reflects each boy's personality. So sweet! (:
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