Although with that title you'd think I was going to write about my OWN animals, instead I wanted to do a post about the animals we've seen recently while out and about. When we see these animals in the wild you should hear our car. Everyone loves it.
We have always wanted to see a big horn sheep. While driving home from Waldon Colorado Monty spotted a whole family of big horn sheep. |
We went to Waldon in hopes of seeing a Moose since it's like the Moose spotting capital of Colorado. No luck! But the boys did get to play on an 'old fashioned' park and loved it. On the way home I'd given up hope when Monty's eagle eyes spotted this bad boy(or girl) under this tree. I have no idea how he spotted it while driving. For the record however I risked my life to get the picture so we could have the memory so I take some credit. |
Another day in Estes Park Kyle was saying, "I hope we see something amazing!!" I am always kind of scared when he says that because I don't want him to be disappointed if we don't. He loves nature. Well, to his good luck we did see a wild turkey! How that guy survived the winter in Rocky Mountain national park is beyond me. We totally were not expecting that. (We didn't get a picture of him.) Further down the road we did spot some Elk however.
This Elk along with about 3 more were just grazing off the side of the road. We stopped, pulled up right next to the guy and just watched him for a while. He didn't mind the attention one bit. | | |
I could also add this which I found in our backyard while playing with Makai and Trey earlier this week. Thankfully he was dead. I think he chocked on something.
I was so happy this thing was dead. Makai thought it was a toy. He had no fear of the thing. He kept saying, "Hi Snakie! Hi Snakie!" He would have carried it around if I'd of let him. I only kept him long enough for the older boys to see him. Then he got put in the trash despite Kyle's idea of putting it on our neighbors doorstep for April Fools. He's the boy I'll need to watch. I can tell already! |
We also have a pet squirrel in the back that we feed peanuts and of course our bird feeders. I've got the boys convinced that although we don't have a "pet" they have wild pets. It's working for now.
I'm so glad to see what you've been up to. I feel like it's been a while, or maybe I'm the one who hasnt been around much. Whichever, I'm happy to read your posts, and glad you're busy having fun -- not tied up being sick or something awful. I love that ice sickle. That would have been so fun to see!
Our kids would get along SO well! They LOVE nature and wildlife. (who needs a zoo!)
Okay...but that snake...I so would have chopped it's little head off if it was alive. I HATE snakes. Always have.
It is absolutely amazing that you SEE all of these animals. Nyles is good at spotting them, too. I'm usually the last to finally see the animal. Good for all of you! I'm glad the Snakie was dead, too!
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