Kyle and Mrs. Brook |
Kyle and Mrs. Wilcox |
Kyle loved school this year. His teachers work so well together and the students felt it. They've worked together for several years. Both have taught 3rd grade for over 15 years. They have great command over their classrooms. I loved them. One of the best things they did was convince Kyle he loved math. For some reason he had the idea he was bad at math. However, now he knows he is good at math and love sit. Kyle did so well this year in school. We are proud of the work you did this year Kyle. Your teachers say you are ready for 4th grade!! Congratulations!!
Kory with Mrs. McIllvain |
Kory enjoyed school this year, but mostly we heard about his friend Walter. We didn't hear about school very often. However, his report card was outstanding. He is ready for the 2nd grade.
Tyler with Mr. Healy and Mrs. Cod |
Although I am sad to say it, Tyler is done with Elementary school. He did great this year. At the end of the school year he got about 8 awards. However, I was most excited he didn't get, the turtle award! He's usually known as quiet, but not anymore. Now he answers questions in class and is doing great. He will get his name on a plaque that hangs at the school for getting high honors. He did great and his teachers told me he is ready for middle school and his teachers will love him. He enjoyed having a guy teacher this year. Mr. Healy loves science, so he and Tyler really got along well. Mrs. Cod is so sweet. These are another pair of teachers that work great together and Tyler thrived because of it.
Time to enjoy summer!!
I am so glad your kids had good teachers! It makes a big difference!
Great students--great kids! And what is the turtle award?
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