Monty is great and being sure we go on family vacations. When he decides it is time he will hunt and hunt to find great deals so we can have an adventure as a family. I am thankful for this in him because I am way to practical and boring to ever do anything, but when we are on vacation and afterward I am so thankful for the memories. This year was no exception.
Monty started hunting on-line and found an awesome deal from Reno, NV to Kahului, Maui. At first we teased the boys and told them just him and I were going, but later told them they could come too. We were in Maui for 10 days, but we had to drive to Reno.
The beginning of the trip started off with some hurdles. I was driving and got a ticket! Made me mad. I didn't know you had to pull over to the left lane if the cop has someone else pulled over. NOW I DO! Just out of Thunder Mountain, NV $200 wasted. Tickets are the worst thing ever. I thought I should get a warning, but the cop didn't! Either way, we got to James and Cindy's house in Reno. We had a fun evening with them and woke up the next morning to drive to Vacaville, Ca to visit Danny. We were super excited to see him, but didn't know we needed to bring the kids birth certificates. So, sadly Monty was the only one who got to go in to see him. I took the boys to Taco Bell in the mean time. Big disappointment, but I was glad Monty was able to have a nice visit with Danny for a couple hours. We learned that Danny is now a vegetarian, but loves Hot Pockets, ice cream, and MAYO. Monty bought him a lot of food during the visit. We were hoping to see Monty's dad, but he couldn't make it to Vacaville as he has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and doesn't leave his house. We didn't feel like the boys would enjoy three more hours in the car after driving for three straight days, so we decided to head home to have a nice Easter dinner with James and Cindy's family. That was until we hit about an inch of snow on Donner Pass and they closed the road. Being from Colorado we were laughing and frustrated with the closer of the road. We turned around and got some chains for the van and started back up the mountain. Several hours later we finally made it out of the pass. So much for not spending the entire day in a car!! We didn't make it back for Easter dinner, we didn't get home till about 11:30pm.
With the way the trip was going I was not going to be surprised if our plane crashed, but it didn't. We made it to Maui safely and fun began! We got to Maui late Monday night and got a ride to Zippy's. The boys really wanted Hawaiian food--chicken katsu more specifically. The food wasn't very good or not what we were expecting, but the walk home was fun. It was after midnight and we were walking around Kahului because the shuttle from the Hotel stopped running at midnight. After three days in a car and one day in an airport and car the walk felt wonderful and the warm night air refreshing.
The next morning we got our rental car and the adventure began.
Let the adventure begin!! |
If a plane ever crashes you want Makai to be there. He studied every detail!! |
I got the window!!:) Not like it mattered as by the time we landed it was dark, but whatever. |
Day 1--Makai fell in love with Tiki's! The first Tiki he saw was all he needed to get excited for every other tiki we saw the whole trip. His souvenir was a small tiki. |
First Beach--baby beach! Don't let the pictures fool you. It was cold and windy, but even cold and wind can't keep these handsome boys out of the water. |
But the view was amazing! |
It's cold! Who knew Hawaii was cold? |
After leaving Baby Beach we decided to drive to Lahaina. On the way we stopped for two fun treats. Fried Apple pies and Mc Donalds. The boys had never had a fried apple pie as here on the main land they bake the apple pies now and Shaved Ice from Ululani's Hawaiian Shaved Ice. I didn't get a shaved Ice as I am still learning to live, but everyone else did. Thankfully Trey didn't want to finish his and I must say--it was the most wonderful, amazing, delicious shaved ice I have ever eaten with the creamiest coconut ice cream at the bottom. YUM.
Ululani's Hawaiian Shaved Ice |
When Monty was 7 and 8 he lived in Maui with his dad and aunties. He lived in Lahaina and we were all excited to see his old stomping grounds. We were even able to see his old house, although it looks a lot different now. As we drove around he saw things that he remembered.
Monty was Trey's age when he went to this school. |
One of Monty's childhood memories is sleep walking to this gas station. One night in the middle of the night Monty remembers waking up at this gas station a few blocks from his house in Maui. He must have walked here often and did it in his sleep one night. The manager called his dad and his dad came to pick him up. |
Lahaina was one of our favorite places on the island. The town is really cute. We ate at a fun little place called Koa's which is right along the coast and offers roof top seating. They had everything from pancakes to fish and chips. Everyone left happy.
Banyan tree. Full of homeless people. Not our favorite place, but a cool tree. |
Lahaina is pretty historic. |
Sometimes I wish I had one of these in my house! Pretty cute prisoners. The old jail in the basement of the Old Lahaina Court House. |
Add caption |
Brick Palace. |
Sir grumpy pants. He is super cute, but also good at complaining. Who complains in Hawaii? Makai!! He wanted something--water, toy, candy... Just wanted to show the trip wasn't all smiles. |
We stayed in a pretty fun resort in Lahaina--the Hyatt. The pool was awesome, but everyone's favorite part was their breakfast. One morning we decided to splurge and eat breakfast.
Only family picture of the trip and Makai has two guns and looks like a hoodlum. |
View from our room Pretty sweet! We didn't get this room every night, but we enjoyed it the first night!! |
Trey and his hats. He loves this hat even though it is several sizes too big!! |
This was definitely a Kodak moment. Monty hates pancakes! However, these were no ordinary pancakes. These were Guava pancakes. Thin, moist and so tasty! We all still rave about those bad boys. |
Our favorite beach of the trip was Kapalua Beach. It was a nice little bay with great snorkeling and even sea turtles. We went to this beach several days and each day we saw sea turtles. Our favorite moment was when Makai had on a snorkeling mask and was swimming in the water when a huge sea turtle came straight toward him. He jumped out of the water and ran as fast as he could through the water and jumped into Monty's arms. That had to be a little crazy as the sea turtle was bigger than him.
Enjoying the bay after enjoying a sea turtle. |
He was Huge! |
Sea Turtle |
Kapalua Beach |
While in Maui Trey lost his second front tooth. Pretty cute smile. |
Cold rinsing water. With these boys everything is a game. |
One of the most beautiful things we did was take the Road to Hana: 52 miles, 617 curves, and 56 bridges. There were so many water falls, rivers, jungle. If we did it again I would allow for more time. Maybe a couple days so we could explore. The locals on the road were annoying--honking and wanting to go fast. But those there on vacation were there to enjoy the beauty.
Lot and lots of rain!! |
Makai had to go to the bathroom and couldn't hold it, so he ran across the parking lot, in poring rain. |
Great boys! |
Love you Trey. |
We were looking for a red sand beach when we found this beach. The red sand beach was dangerous to get to and with the rain we were afraid someone might get hurt, so we didn't go. But enjoyed Hana. |
A brownie Monty bought from some guy on the side of the road. Who knows what is in it? But man was it good and it didn't kill me, so all is good. |
Our world is Beautiful!! |
Mt. Haleakala was another fun adventure. The highest point on the island of Maui. When it got to the top the fog was so thick we couldn't see much and again it was cold, but the lava rock and silence was calming. Well, as calming as any place is with 5 boys.
Trey is crazy, cute. |
See what I mean! |
Makai being grumpy again, Trey being Trey, Kory's silly side, Kyle trying to look tough, and Tyler smiling like he is suppose to. |
Love him. And Love that Tyler was willing to share his sweatshirt. |
This plant behind these two handsome boys is one of the things Monty remembered about his time in Hawaii. School classes take field trips to Mt. Haleakala of course. |
On the road down the view was amazing. |
While on the trip we met up with a few of Monty's cousins and one of his Aunts he lived with when he was young. His cousins looked pretty hard core, but were nice to talk to. Glad we were able to meet them.
Kory enjoyed playing games with his cousin. |
Marvin, Tiffy, and Charles |
Marvelous--yes, that is his name. |
I forget his name, but he was really nice and could eat like monster!! So maybe we could just call him Monster. Wait, it was Cody. |
The trip was a lot of fun. I have to add a couple more pictures that were just a few of my favorite pictures of the trip. Moments that made me smile. Moments that make life worth living.
My handsome men in the ie faitaga's after church in Kihei. They looked so handsome. Thanks nana for the ie faitaga's. They loved wearing them. |
Makai didn't want to wait to put his snorkel and mask on. Walked the whole trail with it. |
I think this flower is so beautiful. See the purple little flower that sticks out the side. So unique. |
Kory by the sugar cane. Just a good kid. |
When we were in Kihei I woke up one night to change some laundry. Saw this and was brought to tears. So sweet! Had to take a picture because I knew they wouldn't believe me, nor would it ever happen again. |
Love that they can have fun. |
Kyle loves cameras. Several moments he took over my camera. He loves to take pictures of birds. He probably got a picture of every bird on Maui for his bird blog. |
Tyler helping Makai boogie board in Kihei |
Priceless |
I love that in the ocean they all stay together. |
Trey became a really good swimmer in Maui. Him and I swam to the 9 feet. He didn't think he could do it, but he did. Then he was a fish!! He loves the pool!! |
All good things must come to the end. Not many happy faces the day we had to leave. A mixture of being tired, and sad. But it was a fun trip.
depressed... |
Trey wears his emotions and not one ounce of him wanted to leave. |
neither did Kyle |
or Tyler |
Auntie met us at the airport to say goodbye and gave us a cool gift of a coconut she painted to remind us of our trip. It was really sweet. |
Goodbye Maui!! Thanks for a fun 10 days. We will be back!!
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