So, ever since I started my masters program life has been a little crazy. I am so far behind on
The chicken aisle at Sam's club a few nights ago. |
this blog it makes me sad. But, since the world has basically shut down with Covid-19, I figured this would be a good time to catch up. Covid-19 is crazy. Some aisles at the store are completely empty. Facebook is full of toilet paper jokes. Schools have moved to on-line schooling, church has been cancelled, and today...even the gym closed. Today President Trump said there can't be groups of 10 of more even in restaurants. I've never seen anything like this. I wouldn't say I'm worried, it's just strange to be so isolated. And being that we are in Nebraska it still isn't fun to be outside, because it is still cold, but we can't be inside anywhere either, so we just stay home. Computers still give us access to the outside world, but besides that...we are pretty much told to just 'self distance ourselves'.
If I try to make different posts it would probably take me forever--so I am just going to date this and make it one long post.
On August 24th Trey went to the doctor. Trey is about to enter the 7th grade and with that brings shots! He didn't cry even one tear. My little boy is growing up. He's almost taller than me, but not quiet. Look at those long legs! Last year I got to see Trey at school everyday, but this year will be different. I'm sure he'll do just fine without me. Love you big man!!
Kory is an amazing artist. This was a picture he was working on on Sunday August 25th 2019. He takes his time and I'm always amazed with his work.
Tyler's first day of College--August 26th. I know...he looks thrilled! In his defense it was about 5:30am and honestly no one is thrilled that early in the morning. Excited for you though Tyler. Let adulthood begin. |
Friday August 30--however, this kid is MORE than thrilled that football season is back! He has a great season. No real injuries. He did get a concussion, but no broken bones or surgeries, so I call it a win. He lives for football! |
Kory started football this year too. I think he likes football, but mostly I think he knows he looks good in his uniform. September 4th. He didn't get any major injuries this season either. A pulled muscle, but no broken bones or surgeries, so I call it a win. His best play of the season we missed by 10 minutes! He caught a pass and almost made a touchdown. We were so sad we missed it. But, thankfully, he's got three more years(at least) to play. |
Kyle and Bunz. Grateful for good friends. They have this special handshake on the sidelines that they do after a good play. It's classic. |
For graduation Mammy and Grandpop are taking the kids anywhere in the US that they want to go. Tyler picked Seattle. This will be his first flight alone. I'm nervous to send him off alone, but he can't wait to leave! Have FUN son. I know you are in good hands. |
He made it safely. Now I can relax! |
Tyler and a Seattle Otter. |
Yep...whatever this is, it's right up Tyler's ally. |
I though it was so thoughtful. When Tyler was packing his backpack he packed both his jerseys and his Seahawks sweatshirt. I asked him why he was taking all of them and he said, "So Mammy and Grandpop can wear them at the game." Such a tender heart. Such a treat for him to go see his team play with his grandparents. I love this idea and look forward to each of the kids having this special memory. |
Makai is getting so big!! He's a tender hearted little guy too. Some of our friends from Bellevue came to watch one of Kyle's football games and they brought their new son. Makai loved holding him. Makai would have loved to have been an older brother, so any chance he gets to hold a baby he takes it and enjoys it. |
Grandpa Tini came for a weekend to visit. He was able to watch Kyle play in a JV game. No serious injury--the kid always has ice after a game. He enjoyed watching Kyle play. |
Grandpa Tini even got a chance to watch Makai play in a football game. Yep...that is Makai on the sidelines. When he gets a break...he takes a break! Flag football this season was better than his last season, but he still wants to just tackle someone. Makai found his niche this season. He loves blocking the quarterback to ensure he didn't get sacked. He took his job very seriously and lets just say his quarterback loved him. |
Kyle passed his drivers test on September 30th. Being a Mom when your kid is doing a driving test is so nerve wracking, but he passed and we celebrated with a trip to Lina's for some Mexican food. Congratulations Kyle!! I love that he has his licence and I no longer have to take them to football practice or Seminary. I loved those times, but I'm ready to let you spread your wings and fly! |
October 6th--We have spent so much time on these windows, but the reality is they needed to be replaced. We had one rainstorm that caused them both to leak and we knew we couldn't put it off any longer. So...we began the demo! |
I personally really liked this stage! No window at all was perfect, but with rain coming later that day we knew we couldn't keep it this way. |
We worked today and were both happy with the final product. It looks good on the outside and the inside and the best part is we didn't have any leaks all winter. So glad to have that project done. |
Oct 20th--an art piece Kyle is working on. I love this piece. |
October 22nd--Makai painting his Mine-Craft Sword for Halloween. He decided he wanted to be Minecraft Steve for Halloween, so Monty got a piece of wood and cut out this awesome sword for him. He spent hours painting it and enjoyed every second. |
Dad working on more home projects. about your shower outside babe. |
Kory's last game this year was on his birthday! Sadly they did not win, but we all went to support him and honestly it was pretty cold, so that was nice of us. I love watching him play football, especially when the game is over without injuries. |
For weeks before his birthday, Kory just talked about going to Olive Garden on his birthday for the Endless pasta! So, after his game we all went and they ate until they couldn't eat another bite! He was one happy man. Happy 15th Birthday big man! |
This long hair phase my boys are in is killing me, but I'm trying to be a good sport. Kory asked if I could braid his hair and I agreed. Why they think this is so cool is beyond me, but look at that smile. He loves it. I wish his aunt Dora was here to do a good job. She's amazing at it. I'm terrible |
On the Sunday night before Halloween we decided to make Makai's Minecraft head. I found something on line and we printed off some paper and got to work. It took some time, but in the end I thought it turned out pretty cool. Makai took it to school and seemed happy with it. |
However, when he got home from school he told me he didn't want to be Minecraft Steve anymore, he just wanted to be a Youtuber. Seriously? We worked on your costume and now you just want to be a Youtuber? However, Kyle decided to not let the costume go to waist and he wore it. Trey made up a costume with things he found in his room and Kory wore a costume the neighbors brought over. |
I had no idea what was going on when Kory came up stairs trying to scare me as a gorilla. Kory and Kyle didn't trick or treat, but they did walk around the neighborhood with us just for some family time and we all had a good time. Kory enjoyed being a Gorilla all through the neighborhood and Kyle was sweet enough to not let my hours of work go to waste. |
Nov 8th--Football playoffs. So, Kyle grew his hair out for a while just so he could bleach it for football playoffs. We had to bleach it a couple times because his hair is so dark, but I actually got several compliments on how it turned out. We had some good bonding time and one really late night, but finally we were both happy with the color. |
Tyler came to watch and saw an old teammate. They had fun catching up. They won their first game in the playoffs, but not the second. The game they lost was sad. Lots of tears, but it was a great season. |
The few days before he cut his hair, a girl in the ward wanted to braid his hair. He left it in for a couple days and then I took this right before he cut it off. |
Nov 14th--When Kory was opening his gifts on his birthday Monty got a text from his Auntie telling him that his Father had died. We didn't tell the boys that night before it was Kory's birthday and they had never even met Monty's biological father. Monty and I went to the funeral. We were in San Francisco for less than 24 hours, but it was good experience. Monty was able to see a lot of his Tevaga family and let them know of his love. The Tevaga family is hurt that he changed his name to Salanoa and they spent many of those hours we were there trying to convince him to change his name back to Tevaga. Monty was the only one of his brothers to make it to the funeral. Danny's attorney was there and read a letter from him at the funeral and then Monty said a few words. |

Monty didn't know his father really well, but we were happy to be able to be at the funeral. He lived a very simple life. We went to his home that night to talk with some family and have a cultural experience and again they told him to change his name. At Polynesian funerals they make these cards/pictures for people to wear. A lot of people were wearing them on lei's they were wearing. I've seen in several homes lei's with pictures, but didn't realize that they were from funerals.
There were two services. One for one church and one for the LDS church. They were done back to back. Each had it's own special element. |
Nov 22nd--James and his family came to visit for Thanksgiving and so did Nana. We were able to meet baby Sereisa. It took her a minute to get use to Monty, but he knew just how to win her heart. He busted out the Halloween candy and from that moment on--she was his buddy. |
Julie and Nana making half moon pies. Everyone enjoys these treats. Julie is a baker, just like her mom and Nana. |
Sereisa was not a fan of Tyler. Usually all the babies take to Tyler pretty quickly, but Sereisa didn't. However, when she was fast asleep at church we put her in his arms and she slept like a baby. It was a tender moment. |
Sereisa was adorable and it was fun to meet her and have a baby in the house. She really took to walking the week she was here. When they arrived she wasn't walking, but by the time they left...she was a walker. We felt lucky to see her make that giant leap. |
Sunday night we took a family walk. Nana didn't want to go, but about this time of the walk she said, "I'm glad we did this." Nana doesn't like cold weather and Nebraska in November is definitely cold. But, she was brave and we all had a nice time. This is a photo of Nana and all Grand-kids. |
For Thanksgiving we like to participate in the Salvation Army's Thanksgiving dinner drop-off. The morning was cold. I know Trey is just in a sweatshirt, but the breeze is cold! |
Ready for delivery! |
Such a great opportunity for them. They really enjoyed this. |
Our wonderful neighbors came for Thanksgiving as well and we were happy to have them. Cindy was such a great help in the kitchen. I actually love when she comes for Thanksgiving because she knows how to help. |
Great desserts our neighbor brought. |
Makai turned 10 this year. He wanted this little Llama so badly! He was so happy when he opened it and used all his "tickets" from school to be able to take it with him to school everyday. If they pay the teacher using tickets they earn they can bring a stuffed animal to school with them. He also found this shirt downstairs. We have no idea where it came from, but he wore it on his birthday as well. he was a happy camper. And...of course he still has his Minecraft sword. |
Christmas morning. My mom got all the boys fun socks. This was a photo we took for her. Christmas morning was fun with these dudes. Can't believe how big they are getting. Kyle and Kory had trouble sleeping the night before so they made a gift for Tyler. They said they had so much fun making it. Basically, they regifted him one of his sweatshirts they had in their room for a long time along with other things they just picked up off the floor in the basement. It was pretty funny. |
One of the best things of 2019 was a show called the Mandalorian that Disney put out. In it there is a baby YODA that my boys totally tell in love with. I have a quote board up on our wall and Kory drew this for me. I wanted it to be the scripture "Oh by Wise,", but this sounded more Yoda like. I don't think we will ever erase it. |
Another birthday and the same shirt Makai wore on his birthday. I guess this is the new birthday shirt. Kyle picked apple pie. We just celebrated at home. Can't believe this guy is now 17!! Time is going too fast. |
I'll never forget the moment--we just ended church and Kyle put his arm around me and asked me how I was and I said fine. I asked him how he was and he said not good because he just found out Kobe Bryant had died. I thought he was kidding, but sadly, I looked it up right away. There I stood in the hallway after church with all my boys around me looking at unbelievable news that Kobe Bryant had been killed in a helicopter crash. Now, my heart sunk because my kids love Kobe. I knew I wouldn't be able to fix this and for all of them this was the first time someone they really knew had died. I knew it would be a day we'd all watch the new in unbelief. Our family is a Laker Family. When the boys were little they all went as Kobe for Halloween one year. The day got worse when we learned one of his daughters had also been in the helicopter. They boys were pretty quiet that day as they felt the sting of death talked about in the scriptures. |

Earlier that morning my Dad had sent a picture of the fog. The fog that we would later learn was the cause of the helicopter crash. |
Feb 29th--Kyle had two pieces of his art submitted to the State Art competition. This piece won a gold rating. |
And this one an honorable mention. I love his art and am so glad he gets a chance to do it at school. I'm thankful to his teacher who inspires him. |
This man has been working hard to drop weight. He's lost over 30 lbs by being diligent. I'm really proud of his hard work. One day however, we were just in the mood to eat. It was my fault. I was really hungry. This was all he ate all day and we went to the gym, but we enjoyed lunch--sometimes you need a cheat day. |
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