I was surprised by how busy at Home MTC kept Tyler. He began his training in the Basement grudge closet. I loved this package a member of our ward dropped off. It kept him stocked the entire MTC. Such a kind, sweet, gesture that made him feel very loved.
I love walking into his room and finding all his study guides. |
And 'P' days were always fun as we still got to hang out as a family. On this day Makai was complaining about his shoes so the boys decided to carry him.
Most of his day is spent on this computer with his companion Elder Spencer from Oklahoma. He's also going to Ecuador, but a different mission from Ty. They got along pretty well. I wonder if they will ever get to meet in person. Honestly, Tyler spent most of his days on the computer. Sometimes he'd make it for dinner, but no always. He had Saturday and Sunday off, but his weeks were pretty busy. He made the most out of home MTC. |
He even got to go to the Elkhorn homecoming game. He wanted to see Kyle play at least once this season, so that was a pretty cool perk to Home MTC.
On the way home from Kory's football game on Saturday. This made me cry. Tyler is such a great brother and I know this kid will miss him. Makai was sound asleep on Tyler's lap after the game and Tyler just tried to stay as still as possible. Tyler has a special way with Makai. I think Makai will change he most while Tyler is gone--but this was a moment worth capturing. |

The day before Tyler left Brianna had donuts delivered to the house. This is a Chocolate Peanut Butter donuts and if you know Ty you'll know this right up his ally. That was very sweet of her and the entire family felt loved.

The night before he left we had a nice family discussion. Makai had already fallen to sleep so he didn't really get to say goodbye, but the rest of us did. It was kind of surreal, with a mix of emotions.
Here are the last few pictures we look of him in front of the house and leaving at the airport. Monty dropped him off. I must say that as I said goodbye to him that morning before leaving for school my heart was in about a million pieces. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to make it through the day. Walking away from him and leaving for school was horrible. I could have hugged him forever I think. But, I did have a thought about a day before he left. The thought was a quote I have loved ever since I heard it many years ago. I think it is by Albert Einstein. And says something to the effect of: A ship is safe in a harbor, but that wasn't what a ship was built to do. I know in my heart this is the next step in Tyler's journey. I'm excited for him. I'll miss him, but I can't wait to hear his stories and see what he learns while he is out serving. This is what he was built to do. Love you son!! Can't wait to see you in two years, but enjoy the journey!! |

My Mom heart felt much better once I saw this picture of Tyler with his one night companion. They were together the first night before he will be given another companion and assigned an area. He looks pretty content and happy and after shedding a few more tears, I slept well knowing he's now officially on a mission for our Savior!!
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