The boys do a good job keeping fit. Often they go to the track to run and practice their sports. If Trey doesn't get to play basketball he's a little cranky, Kyle just likes to move and we force Makai to go. When Makai works out with Kyle he enjoys himself. He just doesn't like to just run the track. Kyle always makes it fun. Kory doesn't usually go because he has football practice every morning. I don't have pictures of that because he leaves early. I'm glad the boys are active. They are all great athelete sand it's fun to watch them use their perfect bodies. 
Trey and Kory at youth conference. Youth conference was in Nebraska City this year. They went to the same water park we went to early their summer. I love that when they go to activities they prefer to hang out together. This is a photo someone sent me. And Kory still has some pretty white feet!
Remember when I mentioned that this is a favorite location for the boys to hang. One day I went to go upstairs and found Makai sound asleep Thanks for keeping your shoes off the carpet buddy. Well, at least half way. I think he was missing his brothers while they were at youth conference. 
The Buick is giving us issues. For the last little while it has gotten louder and louder. We took it to three places and no one could diagnose it. One person said transmission, one person said exhaust. Well, Monty got under the car and noticed that the exhaust is completely severed. We have no idea how it happened, but he's determined to fix it. We found a part to fix it at the "You Pull It" location. All I know is I've been under that car and I am not going to be any help. It's Kory's turn! Another kid behind the wheel. His first time behind the wheel was pretty rough, but since then he's done a pretty great job. I think he's going to be just fine. One thing I appreciate about him is he seems to understand the seriousness of driving. He doesn't want to injure anyone and wants to obey the rules. He does struggle with with parking, but I admit parking is something you just have to practice doing.
Monty signed Trey up for the Creighton Basketball camp this summer. He seemed to have a good time. This should be good prep for high school basketball. It was fun to watch him play. he's happy when he has a basketball.
I'm adding this picture because it is a good reminder of how we have been making money the past several months. There is an app called 'Task Rabbit' where people will pay you to do things they don't want to do. This is a picture of part of a property we were asked to pull weeds. It was so hot and there were so many weeds. It took so long! This is just one section of the weeds. We've done everything from assemble furniture, build shelves, hang pictures, pull weeds, move boxes, or even help people move houses. The boys favorite is to move people. They hate weeding. It's been interesting to meet so many people. We've gone back to some people several times. Some people are so appreciative. Most people really love the boys when they come to help. It's been a good experience and a great way to bond as a family. This apartment complex however is not one of favorites. The guy who owned it didn't pay very well and we worked our butts off in the heat for way to many hours. But, now when we drive by it everyone just booo's it, and we laugh. 
A fun zoo day. These boys and their hair! Makai's hair is getting really curly too! We have fun at the zoo every time we go.
Makai likes to sleep on the couch some nights when he says his room is too hot. I took this picure because I thought he was in a funny position. Not sure if he is praying or doing Yoga, but he is sound alseep. 
It has been several weeks, but money has been so busy with school he just hasn't had time to work on the car. However, he just finished a rotation so he's seeing what he can do. 
Dad welding under the car. I love that he has no shoes on. We ended up driving it to a welding place after giving it our best shot. Monty worked so hard to try and fix this, but in the end we had to call it. 
Monty bought this car at an auction several years ago. He LOVES it, but it just hasn't been as reliable as we need it to be. So, he is putting it up for sale. We sold it to a mechanic. This car looked so nice on the inside and if it would have been more reliable he would have kept it forever. Hopefully, someone is now enjoying it. 
This is a picture of a Chilli Relleno Buritto. This burrito is my favorite! I eat these when I am celebrating or sometimes after a hard week. They never get old. I get them from Abelardo's Mexican Grill. When we go, I don't even read the menu. I know this is what I will be getting. Some things are worth taking a picture of. 
It is SO HOT right now and Makai is constantly scratching his head. So, it is time for a haircut. He wants to grow his out because Kory is growing his out, but Makai's is just so thick. The many faces of Makai during his hair cuts. 
During on of our "Task Rabit Jobs" the owner had a cat. Kyle and cats don't mix well. The first half of the move went great, but then on the way to the second house Kyle touched his eyes. Suddenly he was a mess. Red, swollen eyes. This is after some Benadryl. I will say that he fought through the pain. This lady was so nice and felt of bad that he was swelling up. But he worked until the end. He did call of work that night thought. Right now Kyle is working a Wal-Mart stocking the dairy section at night. This would have been his third night. But, he was saved by the cats. 
Tyler is enjoying North Carolina. This a a picture of him with a man he really admires. This man used to be in a band. His wife was taken one night and they found her body several days later. She had been killed. Hearing his story is heartbreaking, but listening to Tyler interact with him is neat. Another fellow musician.
I am so glad we get to talk to him every week. Thank you facetime for letting me see my boy every week. I had a dream that Tyler had died. It was the most real dream ever and I woke up in tears. I cried for a long time as I realized how painful it would be to lose this man! Seeing him on facetime warmed my heart. He was perfect and happy and just hearing his voice and seeing his was so wonderful. I miss him. 
When our neighbors leave they ask the boys to swim in their pool to keep it from growing algae. I enjoy watching Makai in water. He can play in this pool for hours. He's a water boy--definitely part fish.
Trey went to the driving range with the teachers quourm. Don't mess with Trey--he is a pretty good shot. Not bad for his first time ever! 
While swimming next door Makai left for a while and came back with a bowl of ramen, an egg and spam. I love that he brought chop sticks to eat it with. Yep...this kid loves food.
After one particularly hard weeding job Kyle, Kory and I went to lunch. They worked hard and then they eat harder. Nothing like a good meal after a difficult weeding job. This was another house that took WAY TOO LONG!! 
Our boys love to eat, and thankfully they also love to cook. One morning after the gym, Trey and Kyle went to the store and got things for breakfast. I love that they are not afraid of the kitchen and cook pretty darn well. Thanks guys.
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