And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Monday, May 26, 2008
San Diego
Monty had to work Mother's Day weekend, but got us a weekend in San Diego. So, we kind of combined Mother's Day with Trey's birthday! On Friday we drove down to San Diego and on Saturday we hit the San Diego Zoo. The boys have been wanting to go ever since they heard about it on the movie Madagascar. It started off a little rainy, but turned out to be a wonderful day!
Tyler was our tour guide throughout the day!
Trey petting the meerkat--okay, not really, but doesn't it look like it!:)
Kyle and Dad helping Trey practice his walking skills!
Later that night we hit up the Cheesecake Factory and sang to Trey! He totally loved being the center of attention! The Cake was so good!! Trey drummed on the cake while we sang!
He cheered after we were done!
Tyler was our tour guide throughout the day!

...and then he devoured! The only mishap of the vacation was Kory falling down an escalator! Luckily he only got a little scape! Maybe now all the boys will listen when I say...don't try to go down when it's going up! It was so sad to watch him tumble--and he did for a while!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Has it really been a year!?

A year ago today I went into REAL labor with Trey. I was hoping he would be born today just because I thought it would be cool for him to be born on my grandpa Ed's birthday, but he took his time and came on the 23rd instead--his due date. Tomorrow is his big day and I can't believe how fast this year has gone and how thankful I am for my little man!! He is such a joy! We all just simply adore him! Yesterday I upgraded him to a frontward facing car seat and he was totally thrilled! It was so cute to see him so excited and pointing and everything he could see. So, at 12 months Trey can say momma, dadda, DA(which mean bird and dog), he can clap, stand(but is too afraid to take a step), he hates heights, loves to play in toilets, crawl up the stairs and then screams for me to get him down, LOVES his brothers, is finally starting to tolerate baths, will eat just about anything and everything and lots of it, has 8 teeth, and loves to dance to music. We love having you in our family Trey! Even if you STILL won't sleep through the night!
Monday, May 19, 2008
New begginings!
Today when Tyler got home from school I noticed his smile looked a little different! I told him to smile and this is what I got! His front tooth is a little loose...okay, a LOT loose.
I then had to get one last picture of him the way I KNOW him! When kids loose baby teeth and get the adult teeth to me it's kind of like a new identity. They look so different! I'm sure in a few day I'll be posting a picture of my NEW Tyler!
I then had to get one last picture of him the way I KNOW him! When kids loose baby teeth and get the adult teeth to me it's kind of like a new identity. They look so different! I'm sure in a few day I'll be posting a picture of my NEW Tyler!
Fun weekend!
This weekend we went down to see our families and had a great time. It was a little hotter than I'd of liked, but we survived none the less. Thank goodness Mammy and Grampop set up a pool in their back yard to keep the kids cool. The highlight of the visit was Greg graduated for Chapman University with a degree in Law! We are so proud of him and enjoyed a wonderful lunch with the family and a nice graduation ceremony. Good job Greg!
While we were home we were able to meet the newest addition to our family! Emjae Eden Salanoa who is a whopping 9lbs 10oz already. The proud parents seem to be doing well and adjusting to parenthood. The boys noticed her, but didn't seem to be too interested. Of course Uncle James set up a video game and that takes priority over everything in a little boys world. Anyway, Emjae is beautiful.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Avila Beach Barn
Ever since Avila Beach Barn opened for the season the boys have been asking to go. They love it there! It's a cute little farmers market and they give you bags of scraps to feed their animals. It's as close as we get to a zoo!
Kory was so excited to feed the goats!
Kyle was eager to show Trey how it was done! 
Trey was given a chance....
And wanted nothing to do with our little adventure! We're sorry Trey!
I'm not sure why he was afraid? Okay...I guess he was justified!
Trey was given a chance....
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Dad is going to be so proud!

Monty thinks Tyler is totally capable to doing math beyond what they are teaching in 1st grade so he often gives him some basic algebra problems. If Tyler gets them right he gets to play video games. Today I was going through some of the papers he brought home from school and this one caught my eye. The picture he choose to draw for Perseverance was rather unique. Monty is going to be so proud!!
I'm out of the green box!!
When we lived in Wyoming I had a friend that loved photography and I loved the pictures she took. When it came time for me to get a new camera over 18months ago I went ahead and bought a nice one. One that I could eventually learn to do photography with. In that time I've never taken a picture out of the "Green Box" or auto setting. However, my sister in law Michelle sent me a video to help me understand this piece of equipment and today I sat down and watched in again and unlike the first time I watched it, this time it didn't go completely over my head!!! So, I played around a little today with my camera off auto settings and had so much fun! Here are a couple of pictures I decided to keep! Trey had fun during this time because I let him play with all the DVD's. One of his favorite games.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Today the three older boys all had dentist appointments! Thankfully Monty had the morning off, so he stayed home with Trey so I didn't have to wrestle with him and fill out paperwork! All three of the boys did great! Kory looked so cute in that little x-ray chair! He didn't like his cleaning however and they had to stop halfway through! Kory is a fanatic when it comes to brushing his teeth. He has to spit about 10 times and you have to wipe his face completely clean every time as well, so the whole dental chair was not his cup of tea! I was proud of him for trying. He then showed the hygienist how he brushes his teeth and she said he was actually pretty good for a three year old. She got a kick out of how often he spits. Personally, it's very annoying to me as I'm a get it done kind of mom, but hey...we are all learning patience in our own ways, right! Anyway, Kyle and Kory were cavity free!! Good job guys! Tyler had two cavities, but I already knew that! It's the real reason I made the appointment in the first place! Thankfully they had an opening later today, so we took it and just let Tyler skip school. He was amazingly brave in the chair and the dentist loved him. He said if more adults were that brave his job would be a piece of cake! Tyler loved that compliment! Just one quick question--Does the tooth fairy have to leave money for filled teeth!?
Monday, May 5, 2008
Happy Early Mother's Day!!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Three events on the 2nd!
Second--our little niece was born today. Emjae Eden Salanoa was born around 8:30 this morning to her parents James and Cindy who were eager to see her as she was a week late. She weighed 8lbs 11 oz!! Big girl with dark hair and brown eyes. We can't wait to see her.
Third--while driving to pick up Tyler from school we were listening to Primary songs. The final line to a particular song said, "I'll read the scriptures and I'll pray to know that they are true." Kyle said, "I already know the scriptures are true. Why would good men write something that wasn't true." Interesting thought! The boys do love the Book Of Mormon. I'm so impressed with the stories they understand and remember.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
I just had to write about two word choices Kory has used that I think are so unique. His use shows me that he knows what they mean, just chooses to use them in his own way. The 1st is when he is tired of something. For example...he was helping me stir something in the kitchen and said, "Mom, my arm is FULL of doing this." It took me a second, but I figured it out and have since heard him use it a few more time. Today was a second funny choice of words. We were driving to the grocery store after dropping Tyler off at school and Kory was telling Trey a story all about dragons, daggers and stabbings!(yeah, pretty gruesome, but I try to just keep my mouth shut and just listen) His final sentence was, "And then the dragon died, AMEN." Hey, that's how we end prayers...why not stories! I'm so thankful for these moments everyday that make me laugh. I feel so blessed to have such wonderful boys.