And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation.
Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Monday, May 19, 2008
New begginings!
Today when Tyler got home from school I noticed his smile looked a little different! I told him to smile and this is what I got! His front tooth is a little loose...okay, a LOT loose. I then had to get one last picture of him the way I KNOW him! When kids loose baby teeth and get the adult teeth to me it's kind of like a new identity. They look so different! I'm sure in a few day I'll be posting a picture of my NEW Tyler!
That is SO funny because Kaitlyn just lost her first tooth! She went to the dentist last week and informed them that they were not allowed to pull her loose teeth because she was saving it for her Grandpa Flake. I should have gotten a picture of him yanking it out but he did it while I was in the shower!
I am ready to have you design my blog for me! Your's SO stinking cute! Every time you change it I LOVE it! So...guess what!? You get to help me with mine! How lucky are you! (oh...I forgot to say "please"!)
That is SO funny because Kaitlyn just lost her first tooth! She went to the dentist last week and informed them that they were not allowed to pull her loose teeth because she was saving it for her Grandpa Flake. I should have gotten a picture of him yanking it out but he did it while I was in the shower!
I am ready to have you design my blog for me! Your's SO stinking cute! Every time you change it I LOVE it! So...guess what!? You get to help me with mine! How lucky are you! (oh...I forgot to say "please"!)
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