I love using borax in my laundry. For some reason it works better on my cloths than Clorox 2 or other laundry boosters I've tried. The other day I was doing laundry as normal, but had left the lid to my washer open. I wasn't too concerned because it was my white load and if it sits and soaks for a while I really never mind. Well, when I walked by to close the lid the water looked REALLY dingy! I thought to myself..wow, that load was dirty!! When I went to take it out of the washer to put in the drier there was brown "stuff" all over my load! I couldn't figure it out! What happened!? The only thing I could think of was to just dry it and then rewash it(you should have seen the lint trap when it was done! There was probably a POUND of brown lint). While it was drying I cleaned the brown stuff out of the washer and found little pieces of green paper looking stuff. I couldn't figure out what it was that had gotten into my laundry--that is until I went to do another load and couldn't find my borax box!! Yes--the borax BOX fell into my laundry and because it was soaking, totally
disintegrated! So my list of accidental items going into the laundry gets longer!:) Now it includes--crayon(twice), marker, diaper, and borax box! :0
HaHaHa!! That is so funny! And you can't even blame that one on the kids darnit! :)
That sounds like something that would happen to me. So, are you clothes like SUPER clean?
My mouth dropped open when you said that Borax box fell into the washer! That's too funny! You didn't tell me that yesterday!
I have never heard of Borax before. Is it to remove stains?
The laundry soap recipe that I have and LOVE uses borax! I love borax as well.
Did you know that borax is also good for killing ants. Just sprinkle some on the carpet or furniture let it sit for a few minutes and then vaccuum it up!
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