Yes, it's true. Monty submitted his letter of resignation today from his job at Target. For the past several months he has been feeling it was time for a change and last week he made his final decision. In a few weeks we will be moving back to Southern California and he will be going back to school. His goal is to go to medical school in about a year and a half, or pursue a career in Educational Administration. After much discussion, prayer, fasting, crying(...well, me at least) we believe this is the best decision for our family. I'm excited for Monty to finally get to go after what has always really wanted to do. He loves people and works so well with them. I know once he is in a service oriented atmosphere he will be truly happy. This is a leap of faith, with a lot of unknowns, but often in life we must take a step into the darkness to find the light that awaits us at the end of the tunnel. (Now just pray the boys take the news okay. They don't know yet!)
Wow! That's huge news. Good Luck with everything!
I am so sad... beyond sad! I will miss you and "the boys" so much!
Over the past months I've read all the comments from people on your blog, and so many of them say "we miss you"... and I always think to myself, "I know why they miss them so much, they are an awesome family and Kristin is such a great example and a great mother - and I am sad that they miss them... but I got them and I feel so blessed that I have them just 2 miles away!" Well, just when you think you have it perfect...
We are going to miss you guys so much and the only thing that makes me feel better is that you guys are just 30 minutes from when we visit my folks! And of course, you guys are always welcome to come back to Paso and invaid our home! (Oh, the Ward is going to be just devastated!!!! - You guys are such a great family!)
The Lord will bless you for your obedience and faith! God Speed.
We wish you the best of luck! We are excited to have you guys down here. If you need help with anything please let us know. We will keep you guys in our prayers. And really can't wait to see you guys closer to home.
This is a comment to Betsy's comment: You hit it right on the nose! Everything you said about the Salanoas is so true.
Now to Kristin: I am beyond excited for you guys! This is going to be such an amazing journey. I will pray that everything works out for you. I'm glad to hear you so positive about moving -- and this time you're so lucky, you don't have to sell a house!
I love it when God gives us challenges and struggles. It just shows us how much he loves us! The hotter the refiners fire, the more pure we will get. We love all of you!!
Congratulations on doing what is not necessarily the easiest path in life. Worthwhile things are always super hard and take leaps of faith. I know that God will bless you for having the desire to do whats right and taking the road less traveled. Moving again stinks. As long as you keep blogging I'll allow it. (Monty, Dane will be proud of you.)
Well I know that this decision couldn't have been easy, but I like the outcome. Purely for selfish reasons!! We are so excited to have you guys moving close and can't wait to get to spend more time with you, we love you!! :)
TJ's been so ecstatic that you guys will be moving out here. He said that mom told him but since I hadn't seen anything or heard anything else, I thought it was just wishful thinking on Mom & TJ's part. In any case, I'm happy you guys are moving down and I can't wait to see you guys more now that you guys will be closer to home....
You guys are AWESOME! I am excited for this new change in your family! I am sure the boys will be too! Hello!? They get to live near their Grandparents and cousins! I bet they'll be cheering when you tell them!
Love ya tons!
Chase can't wait to see his cousins.
You definitely can't go wrong being closer to family. There's nothing in the world like it...hey, maybe your new ward will need a Primary President!! :)
medical school! in what direction?
that's is so awesome. i think it'll set a great example to your boys, too. he's going to accomplish his goals! what a great hero!
good luck with everything!
Wow. Isn't it amazing how the Lord blesses us and challenges us? Everything will work out, when you are being obedient. And I know you are.
We are excited to have you closer! Do you know where in So Cal?
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