A friend of mine sent this to me and I just think it's so awesome!! For those of you living in California this makes complete sense. I have to say I feel kind of like a hypocrite because yesterday I took my sign down for a few hours while my landlord and his 'partner' came to look at the house and the condition it's in. Actually, I thought the sign was still out, and felt just horrible as they were walking through the house, but after they left Monty informed me that he'd taken it down before they came. I was so relieved!! Just a little
awkward is all. I just don't want any contention. I knew the sign would hurt their feelings and we still feel the way we feel irregardless of a sign, so I felt it was an okay thing to do.
After all, it is his house. Anyway, if you haven't heard this fast Sunday is a National Fast for Prop 8 to pass. Please join if you can!
I think that we all at times don't want to offend people, and sometimes its best not to say anything or have a sign out, its like wearing a neon sign around our neck saying we don't agree with you. And it def. can cause problems.
You are so sweet to even be concerned about this! I know I've done things like that, and the guilt isn't any fun, but I know how good your heart is. It was in the right place. Do you remember Elder Hales talk from conference, about not being confrontational? Sometimes it's just best to stay silent and keep a prayer in your heart. I love you!
I am so glad to hear the word is going around-on prop 8. Greg has found out a lot of interesting things about it. I hope people do go out and vote.
And forget about Prop. 102 here in AZ! A "YES" vote will mean that you want defined in the consitution that marriage is between one man and one woman.
I think that it is VERY important that we take a stand on these issues. I know it's all about "freedon to chose" and accepting peoples choices...but when they start to infringe on MY rights and those of MY family...then I have a problem! I would have been SO tempted to leave that sign up just to make a statement! But you're right...taking it down was the respectful thing to do...now I just hope your landlord and his "partner" are equally respectful in teh way they conduct themselves. Seeing gay people together makes me ill.
I think it's important for everyone not just Californian. I wish we all could vote on it! I would have taken the sign down too! I don't remember the last time the "brethren" have felt so strongly about something political. I think it's much bigger than we realize.
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