And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Scary reality!
So, on Friday I got a call from Tyler and Kyle's school informing me of a predator that has been asking kids to get in his car in our district. I was very thankful for the call and praise the district for taking that precaution. In the message they told us to teach our kids again to never get in a car with a stranger. So, I turned off the radio in my car and turned the moment into a teaching moment for Kory, since Tyler and Kyle were still in school. Just out of curiosity I said, "Kory, if you were outside and someone came and asked you to get in their car and they'd take you for a drive what would you say." To which he responded, "I'll tell him Thanks!" I about died! Then I explained to him what he really should do. WE practiced screaming together--NO GET AWAY FROM ME--but he wasn't really into it. I wasn't sure if he really got the importance of what I was trying to teach him, but didn't know what else to say. Realizing the need to teach my kids the importance of being aware of the dangers that are out there, but not scaring them so much they were afraid to live, I stopped. Later, when we went to pick up the kids from school Kory hung onto my leg with all his might. I asked him what he was doing and he said, "I don't want anyone to take me so I'm holding onto you." I felt so bad...maybe I scared him, but at the same time it was something he had to learn.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Yesterday was Kyle's 6th birthday. We can't believe he's already six. He woke up so excited telling us that his teacher told him he could miss school because it was his birthday only for us to disappoint him in telling him he still had to go. However, his teacher gave him a gift so it wasn't all bad. When he got home we went to dinner at a Chinese food place. We set out ready to get Ice Cream, but after Kyle and Kory both fell to sleep we just drove around for a while and by the time they woke we were hungry for dinner. After dinner we came home and did gifts.
First up was a group hug. As you can see Kyle loved it.
Today my family threw him a party at my parents house. It was really nice. We celebrated our niece Leilani's 1/2 birthday as well. It was a fun night. Kyle blew his candles out with so much care.
Kyle made out like a bandit tonight with gifts from all his cousins. Their gifts were all right on with what Kyle loves. Indiana Jones, Transformers, Legos, Batman...candy. I don't think a kid could be better taken care of. Thanks so much to everyone for coming and sharing this night with Kyle. He went to sleep tonight one happy little 6 year old.
Oh, I have to mention. The day before Kyle's birthday he was so excited when we got in the car he said, "Yes...I can't wait till tomorrow because then I won't have to use a car seat anymore." So funny kids this young pick up on things like that.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Not going to be a model
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year
Our Family spent New Years doing two memorable activities.
Monty took all 4 boys camping in Lytle Creek. They had such a great time putting up their tent, setting up their sleeping bags, eating hot dogs, making smores, and hanging out by the fire. Monty took such great care of them. Monty said Kyle was funny because he was really worried about bears. When Monty told them it was time for prayer Kyle got all scared, "Why do we have to pray? Is it so we don't get eaten by a bear?" We think he has watched a little to much discovery channel. Kory was scared too, but Monty was able to calm his fears and they all slept peacefully...well, everyone but Monty!:)
This morning he woke up and took them too the Creek. They all enjoyed throwing rocks into the creek and making little boats to float down the Creek.
Five handsome campers!
Monty helping Tyler sail his boat
Trey enjoying throwing rocks into the creek.
Thanks Monty!! You rock!!
I spent the New Year in Fillmore with my parents, brother Greg, and Grandparents. It was a very special trip.
My grandfather is back in the hospital and as he's 86 in just a few days we know our time with him is limited. My parents planned a trip to see him and I knew I had to go. The trip was wonderful. We thought Grandpa might enjoy some Sparkling Apple Cider to ring in the new year and man did he!!
We all toasted with him and enjoyed seeing a smile on his face.
Monty took all 4 boys camping in Lytle Creek. They had such a great time putting up their tent, setting up their sleeping bags, eating hot dogs, making smores, and hanging out by the fire. Monty took such great care of them. Monty said Kyle was funny because he was really worried about bears. When Monty told them it was time for prayer Kyle got all scared, "Why do we have to pray? Is it so we don't get eaten by a bear?" We think he has watched a little to much discovery channel. Kory was scared too, but Monty was able to calm his fears and they all slept peacefully...well, everyone but Monty!:)
This morning he woke up and took them too the Creek. They all enjoyed throwing rocks into the creek and making little boats to float down the Creek.
Five handsome campers!
I spent the New Year in Fillmore with my parents, brother Greg, and Grandparents. It was a very special trip.
2008 was a wonderful Christmas. The boys had a great time Christmas Eve with pizza and root beer floats at Mammy and Grandpops. We did 'popcorn popping' for our family talent and strug popcorn lei's. We enjoyed everyone elses family talents as well. Then we exchanged gifts. The night couldn't have been more perfect. Thanks everyone.
Christmas morning Tyler got some Parana game I'm glad Santa found. Kyle got Tinker toys, Kory got a helicopter to match his bat cave and Trey got bubbles. Each of the boys would have been totally happy with just their Santa gifts but were still excited to open the other gifts we were able to get them.
Later Christmas night TJ and Dora came over and brought by gifts for the boys. They got the three older boys 'Naruto' gear. They loved the outfits. They wore them all night over their brand new PJ's.
Christmas morning Tyler got some Parana game I'm glad Santa found. Kyle got Tinker toys, Kory got a helicopter to match his bat cave and Trey got bubbles. Each of the boys would have been totally happy with just their Santa gifts but were still excited to open the other gifts we were able to get them.