Christmas morning Tyler got some Parana game I'm glad Santa found. Kyle got Tinker toys, Kory got a helicopter to match his bat cave and Trey got bubbles. Each of the boys would have been totally happy with just their Santa gifts but were still excited to open the other gifts we were able to get them.
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Thursday, January 1, 2009
2008 was a wonderful Christmas. The boys had a great time Christmas Eve with pizza and root beer floats at Mammy and Grandpops. We did 'popcorn popping' for our family talent and strug popcorn lei's. We enjoyed everyone elses family talents as well. Then we exchanged gifts. The night couldn't have been more perfect. Thanks everyone.
Christmas morning Tyler got some Parana game I'm glad Santa found. Kyle got Tinker toys, Kory got a helicopter to match his bat cave and Trey got bubbles. Each of the boys would have been totally happy with just their Santa gifts but were still excited to open the other gifts we were able to get them.
Later Christmas night TJ and Dora came over and brought by gifts for the boys. They got the three older boys 'Naruto' gear. They loved the outfits. They wore them all night over their brand new PJ's.
Christmas morning Tyler got some Parana game I'm glad Santa found. Kyle got Tinker toys, Kory got a helicopter to match his bat cave and Trey got bubbles. Each of the boys would have been totally happy with just their Santa gifts but were still excited to open the other gifts we were able to get them.
Looks like the boys made out like bandits! Hope mom and dad did too!! :)
Looks like Dora and TJ know the boys pretty well! The look on Trey's face is priceless!
OMG.... I Love It!!! I still can't believe they made a rice crispy treat that huge... I'm so glad we found it.
♥TJ & Theodora Salanoa
I'm glad you all had such a great Christmas. The boys look so happy. That looks like my kind of Rice Krispie treat!
ok i just want to pinch little trey..i don't blame him for yelling candy! cute!!!
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