Oh, I have to mention. The day before Kyle's birthday he was so excited when we got in the car he said, "Yes...I can't wait till tomorrow because then I won't have to use a car seat anymore." So funny kids this young pick up on things like that.
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Yesterday was Kyle's 6th birthday. We can't believe he's already six. He woke up so excited telling us that his teacher told him he could miss school because it was his birthday only for us to disappoint him in telling him he still had to go. However, his teacher gave him a gift so it wasn't all bad. When he got home we went to dinner at a Chinese food place. We set out ready to get Ice Cream, but after Kyle and Kory both fell to sleep we just drove around for a while and by the time they woke we were hungry for dinner. After dinner we came home and did gifts.
First up was a group hug. As you can see Kyle loved it.
Today my family threw him a party at my parents house. It was really nice. We celebrated our niece Leilani's 1/2 birthday as well. It was a fun night. Kyle blew his candles out with so much care.
Kyle made out like a bandit tonight with gifts from all his cousins. Their gifts were all right on with what Kyle loves. Indiana Jones, Transformers, Legos, Batman...candy. I don't think a kid could be better taken care of. Thanks so much to everyone for coming and sharing this night with Kyle. He went to sleep tonight one happy little 6 year old.
He is a funny kid. It was a fun day. Happy birthday Kyle. You rock. Enjoy not using a car seat.
Aren't kids crazy? Sophie is distraught over the fact that her birthday is in the SUMMER, so she won't EVER get to go to school on her birthday! Tell Kyle it could be worse. And CA's car seat law must be different than ours. We've been hearing from Chloe for months now how she can't wait till her birthday so she doesn't have to use her booster seat. Yup, we have to wait until 8. But HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KYLE!! Looks like it was a special day.
Happy birthday Kyle...it was a great one! We love ya little man!!
happy birthday to kyle!!! can't believe your kids are that old!!! (but you and monty are staying young and spry of course.. *wink*) cute pics....
He's so dang cute!
Did his teacher really tell him that he didn't have to go to school??
I can't believe he is six! I remember walking into the hospital and bringing Tyler to see his new brother. I was 20 weeks along with Jacob and amazed that you just had him naturally. I thought you were superwoman. And you are! He was such a cute baby, and handsome boy now.
My son said the exact same thing when he turned six. He couldn't wait for the booster to be history. (Michelle P's SIL)
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