A reconstruction of the Trojan Horse.
They recreated several historical landmarks that one would find in Turkey.
This is a church in Istanbul called the Aya Sofia, built in 537 AD. I had to put this picture on here because see the guy on the right...yeah, he took a picture of us and laughed the whole time...so now I have proof he was stocking us in case I ever need it!:) 
This bridge is called the Fatih bridge and it connects Asia to Europe. Did you know Istanbul is the only city to straddle two continents.
For lunch we had doner kabab's. The meat was so good!!
My mom and I had these drinks called Ayran that her student suggested we get. Basically it was a yogurt drink and lets just say...it wasn't as good as the sandwich, but my mom spent $4 on mine so I was determined to finish it!! I laughed a couple of times in the process...mostly at my moms face while she was trying to drink hers and at my boys who tried to sneak sips of mine and then regreted it...but I finished it!(my mom didn't.)
A home in Turkey...the kids have to sit on the floor while the adults sit in chairs. I found this funny because at least in Turkey the kids get pillows. This is common is Samoan homes too, but the kids don't get pillows:) . They also remove their shoes as a form of respect when they enter a home.
A Turkish Marching band.(I wouldn't run out and get a cd, but it was interesting.)
Notice the guy in the background...a Whirling Dervish. This guy was crazy he just stood in a circle and whirled forever!! It's a crazy thing to watch...let me tell you. I guess it is a ritual that was started as a form of respect of Ala or a religious practice. Anyway, the boys thought it was cool and they kept calling him Sala or something like that...a guy on Indiana Jones?
The boys also got a chance to play! Kyle saw this thing and knew exactly what to do, but no one would fight him.
Kory did try, but had trouble getting it off the ground.
They did have a fun time going down the slide...or should I say Kyle and Tyler had fun...Kory tolerated it! I LOVE this picture!

Thanks for the Awesome day mom!!
Thanks for "jumping at the chance"! The pictures came out so great. How did you remember all those places? I am so impressed. Your commentary was really funny. You really learned a lot about Turkey! And the highlight is the picture of the three boys going down the slide. What makes you think Kory wasn't enjoying it? Thanks again for going! I love you!
Don't tell Dustin about the food, he will be upset. He LOVES those kabab's from his mission and always tries to find them here. :)
That looks totally fun! I wish I could have gone :) You're so like me to have to finish your drink, just because you paid for it! I hate wasting food (or money!).
Tell Kyle I would have loved to joust with him. That looked like so much fun, but I might have had a little trouble too lifting the thing!
You're pictures are way good! Must have been a nice day out. That is a great picture of the boys on the slide.
That looks like such a fun outing! I loved all your pictures and I miss all the boys!
I was going to call you yesterday... but I remembered the aliens had your phone... I watched our neighbors 8 year old named Cameron all day and half way through the day, my Cameron started calling the other Cameron "Tyler". I just started laughing and I new exactly why! The boy was so patient and played with Cam, just like Tyler does. You guys moved in October and we've only seen you once (besides the blog) since... I think it is so sweet!
Yay for you guys and your cultural experience!...now the laughing stoker guy...that's kindda creepy...maybe he found the white woman with the Samoan kids interesting? j/k
Love ya! Hope things are going great! I have this fun book to send you...a great "mom read"! Remind me about it so I don't forget!
TOTALLY AWESOME.... It looks like you guys had a great time. I laughed at the whole "kids sitting on the floor with the pillows." Kids in Turkey better be grateful. Not only do they get a pillow, they also get to sit in a house with four walls...lol.... Love and miss you guys.
P.S. Taligalu was totally excited today when she got home from school. She came in screaming, "I FINALLY HAD MR. MONTY AS MY TEACHER!" For some reason she now wants to be a substitute teacher when she grows up...lol... Anyhow, I just hope she was on her best behavior today.
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