Saturday April 11
th is a day we will never forget. It started off with a 'Peterson Family' Easter Egg hunt and lunch at a park in
Loma Linda. The boys had so much fun with their cousins hunting eggs playing.
Trey came running across the grass saying, "Look mom my egg." over and over. This kid just makes my heart melt! What a long run he endured just to show me his egg!

Kory gave me his winner smile after finding his first egg!

Kyle was another story! Getting a picture of him was so hard! They said hunt and the boy was off!! I finally got a picture of him by yelling at him to slow down!! He's full of fun!

Tyler spent his entire hunt helping Trey find eggs! He really enjoyed it I think because
every time I told him it was okay he could hunt for himself he said it was okay he was helping Trey.

Later that afternoon was the moment we've been waiting for for 8 years. Tyler's baptism! What a fun afternoon. I'm so thankful Monty baptized him. This was really special for both of them. Monty doesn't remember who baptized him. In fact, we have a picture of it, but he has no idea who the guy is, so I think to be able to baptize your son has to more than special for him as well as Tyler.

Doesn't he look so handsome!

Monty took this picture in the changing room. I wanted a picture of him all wet!

Tyler was really excited for this day and said to me later that night, "Mom, I'm glad I decided to get baptized. You know it was really an easy decision. If I didn't get baptized I couldn't be with my family forever and that is what I want most." So wise! We are so proud of you Tyler!

He had a great turn out for his baptism. All my brothers were there and their wives and kids, both sets of grandparents, a great uncle from Monty's side and his daughters, as well as Monty's brother TJ and his wife Dora. Thanks everyone for making Tyler's day so special. We love and appreciate all you do for us!!
You have the best group of boys! You are teaching them to be such good examples and make the right decisions. I'm so impressed! Plus, they are so cute!
Tell Tyler "Congratulations!" What a big day. That is definately a perfect Easter gift.
What a GREAT day it was indeed!! A fun morning and an amazing baptism. It brought me to tears as I watched Monty with Tyler and imagined Dustin with Christian. What a great day!!
Tyler is amazing!
Congrats Tyler on your baptism. Greg and I are proud of you! Thanks for being a good example to Chase. He really looks up to you.
I love that boy! He is so smart and has such a desire to choose the right! I really really wish we could betroth him to Kaitlyn right now!
Oooh Girl... that was a lot in one weekend. Well, the water in the bathroom incident happened later but it still seemed to happen within the same time frame. Congratulations Tyler. You'll be a fine young man soon enough.... Goodness that went by fast... I remember when you were still pregnant with
I am so behind on keeping up with people's blogs! HOW GREAT are tyler's baptism pictures! that is amazing, i am amazed at his wisdom for 8 years old! i remember my baptism day like it was yesterday..i wore your dress :) he will love those pictures are doing a great job mom!!
I wish we could have been there. It looks like the day was just full of fun and excitement.
im so bummed i miss out on tylers baptism. i worked in lancaster that weekend. thats awesome monty baptized tyler. i remember when monty gave tyler his babys blessing. i could not stop crying. i thought that was so special.
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