We had our ultrasound this morning for baby #5 and it's a BOY!! Our boys are never shy...it took the tech. about half a second to tell us! We don't have a name, but were very excited to see the baby looking healthy. It was the best ultrasound we've ever had. First off I didn't have to have a full bladder making it much more pleasant for me. Second, the machine had a 3-D image so we really got to see him. The cord is wrapped around his neck which was a little scary to see, but the doctor didn't seem to be worried and said he'll most likely get himself out of it just like he got himself into it.(when Kory was born the cord was wrapped about his neck 3 times) However, they probably will order another ultrasound when he's a little bigger just to see. He measures about a week older than we thought, but they kept my due date the same. We totally LOVED the ultrasound. It made it seem so real. One day soon baby #5 will have a name... Stay tooned!;)
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Grandpa Peterson
Last night I got the called from my mom telling me that my grandpa had passed away. I've come to the conclusion that this is something you can never be prepared for. My grandpa was 86yrs old and living in the hospital. We all knew that we could never return home and yet when I got the call I was thrown into another dimension. I don't know how else to put it. One just has to morn--so many emotions, most to personal and special to be expressed in words. Needless to say I had a pretty sleepless night recalling wonderful memories of times spent with grandpa. I love this man. I'm so thankful for the trip I took in January to see him and shall never forget his smile as we rang in the new year. I'm so thankful for eternal families. I'm thankful that we are bound together forever. I know I'll see him again and I can't wait to hear all he has to say. He hasn't been able to speak for many years. I've missed talking with him, but am sure he's on the other side expressing himself verbally and smiling. He lived a great life and I'm thankful for his example and love. I know he loved me as much as I loved him. He always expressed it. He couldn't speak much, but what he was sure of every time I saw him was that he told me how much he loved and approved of me. He would always say, "Kristin, very good. Love you, Love you, Love you!" I guess that's what I'd have to tell him today, " Great job Grandpa. Love you, love you, LOVE YOU!"
Friday, July 17, 2009
Scripture time
This year we've been trying really hard as a family to read the entire Book Of Mormon. Right now we are in the middle of Alma. Each night we have a routine. Trey's job is to pass out the book of Mormons and we figured that's about all he gets out of it, but last night he proved otherwise. After passing out the Book of Mormon he said, "And it came to pass the cow says MOO." We were shocked and got a good laugh.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Beach Day
Friday we took the kids to the beach. Monty has a pretty rough summer schedule, but he has Friday's off so we try to take advantage of them. Monty set up a day at the beach with some of his cousins and we also took a family from our ward whose kids have never been to the beach. My favorite part of the day was watching Tyler and Kyle go crazy in the water and building sand castles with Trey and Kory. Kory would get so excited if I got two 'shapes' to stand on top of each other and then Trey would knock them over. We had fun time. About 4 o'clock Tyler and Kyle got out of the water and we went up and had something to eat. Since it was getting a little cold in my opinion I had Tyler and Kyle go shower and told them not to get back into the water.(this was mostly so that they wouldn't get cold) Well. after dinner Monty wanted to go back into the water. Kyle and Tyler begged to go with him, so I told them they could, but not to get in the water. Jokingly I said, "If you get in the water you're walking home!" About 5 minutes later Kyle came back up to where I was and sweetly said, "Mom, you told me I couldn't get in the water, but dad said it would be okay and I don't know who to listen to." I told Kyle that if he really wanted to get back in he could, but if he was cold when he got out he couldn't whine to me about it! Then he asked, "Mom, will I have to walk home?" I laughed and told him no. So, he ran back down to the water and jumped in. When he got out he was so cold, but he didn't complain one bit! He's such a water boy, but still obedient!!;) We had a great day.
Friday, July 3, 2009
New smile!
A few weeks ago I noticed Kyle's smile started to look a little different. Turns out he had a loose top tooth! This is always hard for me because it means my little boy is growing up! So, I took one last picture of our little Kyle!!
Now just a few weeks later...
Kyle is so funny! His teeth were loose forever! I wanted to pull them so bad, but he wouldn't have it!! My mom offered him $2 or chocolate chip cookies if she could pull it...he said no. Ryan offered him a gold coin...he said no! He patiently just let them fall out when they were good and ready! Here is our new Kyle!!:)
Catch up!
Since I haven't been feeling well my blog has gone to pot. Now I'm trying to play catch up on a few things. Kyle is an official Kindergarten graduate. He did great in Kindergarten. A few weeks ago he came home with a metal around his neck for an award on an art project he did. He got 3rd place. He also got 4th place in some writing assignment and student of the month. Great job Kyle!!
His teacher, Mrs. Perkins, said something nice about each kid. She started off saying, "This kid is going to be a Pulitzer prize award winning writer. He writes stories better than any kindergartner I've ever had. Kyle Salanoa." I couldn't believe what I heard because I thought that was the area he needed the most work on. Anyway, it was sweet. I have to admit I cried! I saw one other mom crying and another mom say to her, it gets easier with your second and I wanted to say..."Says who!" We are so proud of you Kyle!! Great job!!
After the awards there was a little BBQ. Monty got asked to cook for it and they brought him the smallest little grill to cook for over 100 people! He did a great job anyway! While he was cooking Kory and Trey had a great time playing on the kindergarten playground.
Trey--showing off his muscles!!
Tyler also did great this year!! We are so proud of him! At his end of the year awards ceremony he received the Presidential Fitness award, the Presidential Academic Award, and Honor Roll for third trimester. He also received student of the month for his class. At the end of the day we went out of Ice cream to celebrate the boys good work. Now it's time to enjoy the summer.
Tyler also did great this year!! We are so proud of him! At his end of the year awards ceremony he received the Presidential Fitness award, the Presidential Academic Award, and Honor Roll for third trimester. He also received student of the month for his class. At the end of the day we went out of Ice cream to celebrate the boys good work. Now it's time to enjoy the summer.