Tyler also did great this year!! We are so proud of him! At his end of the year awards ceremony he received the Presidential Fitness award, the Presidential Academic Award, and Honor Roll for third trimester. He also received student of the month for his class. At the end of the day we went out of Ice cream to celebrate the boys good work. Now it's time to enjoy the summer.
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Friday, July 3, 2009
Catch up!
Since I haven't been feeling well my blog has gone to pot. Now I'm trying to play catch up on a few things. Kyle is an official Kindergarten graduate. He did great in Kindergarten. A few weeks ago he came home with a metal around his neck for an award on an art project he did. He got 3rd place. He also got 4th place in some writing assignment and student of the month. Great job Kyle!!
His teacher, Mrs. Perkins, said something nice about each kid. She started off saying, "This kid is going to be a Pulitzer prize award winning writer. He writes stories better than any kindergartner I've ever had. Kyle Salanoa." I couldn't believe what I heard because I thought that was the area he needed the most work on. Anyway, it was sweet. I have to admit I cried! I saw one other mom crying and another mom say to her, it gets easier with your second and I wanted to say..."Says who!" We are so proud of you Kyle!! Great job!!
After the awards there was a little BBQ. Monty got asked to cook for it and they brought him the smallest little grill to cook for over 100 people! He did a great job anyway! While he was cooking Kory and Trey had a great time playing on the kindergarten playground.
Trey--showing off his muscles!!
Tyler also did great this year!! We are so proud of him! At his end of the year awards ceremony he received the Presidential Fitness award, the Presidential Academic Award, and Honor Roll for third trimester. He also received student of the month for his class. At the end of the day we went out of Ice cream to celebrate the boys good work. Now it's time to enjoy the summer.
Tyler also did great this year!! We are so proud of him! At his end of the year awards ceremony he received the Presidential Fitness award, the Presidential Academic Award, and Honor Roll for third trimester. He also received student of the month for his class. At the end of the day we went out of Ice cream to celebrate the boys good work. Now it's time to enjoy the summer.
It's good to hear from you again. My blog has been on a little break too, but I blame it on summer. Congratulations to Kyle! I bet his stories are great -- I can just imagine what he comes up with.
I don't think it gets easier either, because as you move down the line one day it will be your "baby" graduating and that's just as hard as the first born.
way to go kyle!!! It looks like you got some real smart boys on your hands, oh and some strong ones, Trey. Good thing they are all Emjaes older cousins :)
Those boys are SO cute! I lvoe Trey showing his muscles!
It's funny that your summer break is just atarting and we're have way done with ours! I don't want the summer to end!
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