And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Friday, July 3, 2009
New smile!
A few weeks ago I noticed Kyle's smile started to look a little different. Turns out he had a loose top tooth! This is always hard for me because it means my little boy is growing up! So, I took one last picture of our little Kyle!!
Now just a few weeks later...
Kyle is so funny! His teeth were loose forever! I wanted to pull them so bad, but he wouldn't have it!! My mom offered him $2 or chocolate chip cookies if she could pull it...he said no. Ryan offered him a gold coin...he said no! He patiently just let them fall out when they were good and ready! Here is our new Kyle!!:)
Chloe's the same way -- she just lets them dangle until they fall out on their own. She had one that was driving me crazy! It was jetting out of her mouth, because the one coming in behind it was pushing it out, and she had new ones on the side so there was no room for it. Anyway, it bugged me, but it FINALLY came out a couple days ago! I know how you feel about needing that one last picture before they change forever. New teeth sure change their features, don't they?
I don't get it with kids now days! When I was a kids...I was wiggling my teeth LONG before they got loose on their own just because I wanted to tooth fairy money!...Kaitlyn doesn't like to have her teeth pulled either! I guess money isn't as motivating as it once was....
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