And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Thursday, February 25, 2010
The Tower
Who's clueless?
So, Tuesday night Kyle told me, "Mom, tomorrow is minimum day and the next day and the next." I laughed at him and said, "Wishful thinking buddy." I kind of brushed it off and forgot about it. Now, Wednesday is always minimum that was no surprize. However, today I took the three younger boys to the park for our weekly play date with some friends and while talking to one of the other mom's she said, "So, do your kids get off early the rest of the week?" I simply asked, "Do they?" Yes she explained that due to the fact that it's the end of the second trimester they have three minimum days. Suddenly my conversation with Kyle came back into my mind! Needless to say I felt quite clueless. When I picked the boys up from school I started by saying..."Kyle I need to apologize to you...." Such a forgiving kid. He simply said, "It's okay mom. I was just going to have the office call you." I really need to get it together!
While driving home Kyle told me a funny joke he says he made up. In light of the Olympics I'll share it.
"What do they call the Flying Tomato when he's in second place?" Ketchup!
Tyler and Kory came up with this joke driving home too.
"Why was the egg scrambled?" Because it was late for a date with Spam.
I wish I could make up funny jokes. Come to think of it I do plenty of silly stuff thus making my life one BIG joke.
While driving home Kyle told me a funny joke he says he made up. In light of the Olympics I'll share it.
"What do they call the Flying Tomato when he's in second place?" Ketchup!
Tyler and Kory came up with this joke driving home too.
"Why was the egg scrambled?" Because it was late for a date with Spam.
I wish I could make up funny jokes. Come to think of it I do plenty of silly stuff thus making my life one BIG joke.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Christmas 2006
San Diego Zoo Jan 2007
San Diego Jan 2007

Last night I sat down to the computer and was reminiscing. Where did the time go? We only had three boys. I can't even remember having only three boys. But these picture prove it. I have to admit, I had to stop looking at pictures because I became emotional. They are growing so fast!!
As I looked through these pictures of a trip we took to the Santa Barbara zoo, I was reminded of this giraffe. We called it the giraffe with the crooked neck. Apparently he was born this way. It was the craziest thing to watch him walk around. The zoo keepers assured us he wasn't in pain.
Since this picture however I believe the giraffe has died.

Friday, February 19, 2010
2 months
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Six weeks is a fun time as a baby finally starts to show an emotion other that sadness. I love when babies start smiling! So, I totally loved this moment when Makai was enjoying dad. However to be completely honest I was a little jealous as I had been up with him all night...gave him to Monty for a minute cause I needed a break and then saw this. Where is the justice, seriously. If he wasn't so cute, I might really be mad...but look at that smile! Priceless.
Today while feeding Makai I was sitting on the couch and look what flew in front of me! A cute little sparrow. Trey and Kory loved it. While trying to get him out he flew into their room. This was a moment of a lot of laughter! So fun. After about a 5 minute stay he exited as quickly as he entered.