Might Makai is officially 2 months! I took him today to the doctor for his 2 month appointment and he is 16lbs and 24 inches long!

This is him a few weeks ago for him blessing. He wore an outfit my mom bought for him. Doesn't he look so handsome! WE LOVE YOU MAKAI!!
I love the little slacks he has on! He's just so perfectly cute!
What a little (well not so little really) doll!! Looks adorable in the outfit too!!
I can't believe how big he is! Blake was only 17 pounds at a year. You must be so buff from carrying Makai around all the time!
And he's already 2 months? How did that happen, wasn't he just born? :)
He is a cutie!
aaawwwww...cute and adorable outfit!!!
16 POUNDS 24 INCHES!!! That's the exact same weight of my 3 1/2 month old, and he's still big for his age! What a chunker! I bet you're having so much fun with him!
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