And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Six weeks is a fun time as a baby finally starts to show an emotion other that sadness. I love when babies start smiling! So, I totally loved this moment when Makai was enjoying dad. However to be completely honest I was a little jealous as I had been up with him all night...gave him to Monty for a minute cause I needed a break and then saw this. Where is the justice, seriously. If he wasn't so cute, I might really be mad...but look at that smile! Priceless.
Today while feeding Makai I was sitting on the couch and look what flew in front of me! A cute little sparrow. Trey and Kory loved it. While trying to get him out he flew into their room. This was a moment of a lot of laughter! So fun. After about a 5 minute stay he exited as quickly as he entered.
I dislike the handing off a child cuz they wont go to sleep after you have tried for 30 minutes and your just so frustrated and with in 2 minutes they are asleep with dad
Talk about melting your heart! He is so precious. They just keep coming so darn cute. It makes night after night , month after month of no sleep worth it. Hope your hanging in there!
Cute smile:) He looks so much different from the last time I saw him. I feel like it's been forever. Miss you guys.
I can picture Trey and Kory's cute laughter about the sparrow.
SO cute! Well not M not sleeping, but the bird story is pretty funny! And that smile...melts your heart!
Too adorable. I use 'adorable' since every other word to describe this photo has been I miss you guys soooo much.
LOVE that smile! SO very priceless! And the sparrow....well...I already told you I would have freaked out...but he/she looks so innocent there in the bunk bed.
You sure know how to turn out them boys! Congratulations on your latest. Now you must settle a question; is the name pronunciation Hawaiian (Ma ki), or a take of on McKay? We sure do miss you guys. We pray them everything is going well and that all of you are making progress in your church and earthly endevours.
Love. Kevin Richards
Cute picture of a HAPPY baby. I think he's smart to recognize how good he has it!
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