And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Kory is officially a shoe tying fool! For the past several Sundays he's wanted to tie his shoes, but me being the wonderful mother I am I won't let him! I always say, "We'll practice after church!" We've been practicing and yesterday he finally got it...without any help!
We pretend the ends of the shoe laces are snake heads and after the first cross over you have to stay away from them! Then you have to hold their tales. worked for him because his biggest problem was he kept trying to hold the ends(or what I called the snake heads).
Trey let him practice on him!
I think because he thought that would get him some gum afterward! And of course it did. But mostly because it was so cute. Any other time Trey stands on the counter top I get mad, but when he's in his undies I just want to take a picture. I love the innocence while it's still cute! Plus, I never got a picture of him after he potty trainned, so I figured I'd get two achievements in one.
As you can see they were more than happy to get some gum! Great job Kory! So excited for Sunday when you get to tie your own Sunday shoes!:)
Monday, April 19, 2010
Four Months!
Makai is now officially 4 months old and 20lbs of handsome cute chunkiness!! One of the things he enjoys right now is being sung to by Nana. A couple times a week she'll come up and hold Makai and sing to him. Sunday when she picked him up and started singing he started to giggle.
This is the first verse of the song she sings:
Tuli mai Tuli mai
Tuli mai Tuli mai
Tuli mai le Aitu
ma le sau'ai a
maua e ai.
I jokingly asked, "What are you singing to my baby?!" She said, it's about two ghosts chasing each other and whoever loses gets eaten! Hello! The second verse is even's about some guy with a hairy back chasing some girls? No wonder he laughs.
I thought this picture was funny. What is Makai enjoying so much? The basketball game! father like son!
Then I had to take these pictures just to show his size.
Remember at two weeks Michelle took a cute picture of Monty and Makai. Well...thankfully we have a memory because he's a different baby now!
We love you Buddha!
Tuli mai Tuli mai
Tuli mai Tuli mai
Tuli mai le Aitu
ma le sau'ai a
maua e ai.
I jokingly asked, "What are you singing to my baby?!" She said, it's about two ghosts chasing each other and whoever loses gets eaten! Hello! The second verse is even's about some guy with a hairy back chasing some girls? No wonder he laughs.
We love you Buddha!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Backpack Backpack!
Monday after school we asked Kyle to get started on his homework, so he went on a hunt for his backpack. He couldn't find it to save his life, so we chalked it up as a loss and told him that he needed to ask his teacher for another packet of homework the following day at school. After school he came to the car all smiles. "My teacher said I'm doing so good that I can have a week off of homework!" Wednesday, while helping Kory and Trey organize their room guess what I found--yep, his backpack at the bottom of a toy drawer. When he returned from school Wednesday I said, "Kyle, I have good news and bad news!" Needless to say he went running to his room in tears! Total devastation! After about 10 minutes I went to his room, got him out from under his covers and told him he really needed to stop crying and that I'd help him with his homework. He continued to cry but started reading and then Monty and I decided to give him the option. It was up to him. If he wanted to surprise his teacher and do it he could and if he didn't he didn't have to. However, he would have to read a book and show us he could spell all his spelling words. He ended up not doing his homework, which was a little disappointing to me, but he did read a 10 chapter book and got 100%on his spelling all was not lost. This week...he's not getting out of it, but I admit I enjoyed the week off too!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Dirty car+Boys=Fun
My car was in a real need of some TLC, so today I put my boys to work. 
They did a great job...gotta love a clean car! Thanks boys.
After the car wash the boys had some fun with the water. Kory enjoyed the hose(picture by Tyler).
While Monty filled up a cooler with water and splashed Kyle(pic by Tyler). Since Kyle is who he is he thought this was great!! Maybe we have a future coach on our hands.
Trey didn't want anything to do with the water! The boy has always hated water in his face. To this day washing his hair is a beast. Before each bath he'll say, "Not my hair okay!" However, he will do it if I hold his chin to help him not get it in his eyes. He got a 'batman' haircut today. I use to give him a 'ninja' cut, but today he wanted a 'batman' cut. I don't care what he wants to be just so long as he'll still somewhat still.
And here is a picture of Makai and I, courtesy of Tyler. He's enjoying being the photographer lately. Makai and I did work a little. We dried the windows...but mostly we observed. He was my secret weapon to not get wet! I knew Monty wouldn't get this little guy wet!:) Thanks Makai!
Lunch with Grandma
During the three weeks my parents had my grandma down to visit we had her over for lunch. I know she likes Mexican food so I just made bean and cheese burritos. That is always a hit with the boys too which I wanted--just a pleasent lunch. Afterward the boys enjoyed showing grandma pictures they've drawn. She was so sweet to them. I think she would have listened for hours as patient as could be.
The ultra funny part was because grandma's short term memory is so bad she would say the same thing over and over. Some of the things she said a few times each were-- "Wow, you are such a good artist. Does your teacher tell you what good artist you are? She should because your really good." "Now do you trace these pictures, or just draw them." Tyler would say, "I just draw them." Grandma, "Your kidding me!" Although she said things over and over I don't think the boys minded one bit being praised over and over!! I'm glad they got to spend the afternoon with her. We also looked through a lot of pictures. If Grandma isn't busy doing something she starts to want to go home. She kept thinking my mom forgot her and was worried, but once she started looking at pictures she was happy as can be. Thank you for your blogs!!
Here is Makai taking a nap on a blanket grandma made for him. It's so cute. I can tell she spent hours on it. It's a precious moments blanket and he really does sleep better when he's on it. I'm sure he can tell it was made with love.