And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Kory is officially a shoe tying fool! For the past several Sundays he's wanted to tie his shoes, but me being the wonderful mother I am I won't let him! I always say, "We'll practice after church!" We've been practicing and yesterday he finally got it...without any help!
We pretend the ends of the shoe laces are snake heads and after the first cross over you have to stay away from them! Then you have to hold their tales. worked for him because his biggest problem was he kept trying to hold the ends(or what I called the snake heads).
Trey let him practice on him!
I think because he thought that would get him some gum afterward! And of course it did. But mostly because it was so cute. Any other time Trey stands on the counter top I get mad, but when he's in his undies I just want to take a picture. I love the innocence while it's still cute! Plus, I never got a picture of him after he potty trainned, so I figured I'd get two achievements in one.
As you can see they were more than happy to get some gum! Great job Kory! So excited for Sunday when you get to tie your own Sunday shoes!:)
Can you believe that Sophie still doesn't know how to tie shoes? I know it's crazy, but we just haven't had a need yet. She's always in sandals, slip-ons or she wears Sketchers that have the elastic (non lace). Great job, Kory. And I love the undies shot too!
I love that show tying thingy! Very cool. Funny you mention learning to tie shoes after church....because we were AT church (yup....during Sacrament Meeting)when Kaitlyn learned to tie a bow! :) I haven't even tried to teach Adelin.
I love the little guy in the undies! He'll love ya for that when he is older! Does Trey swallow his gum two seconds after putting it in his mouth like Weston does?
What great news for you on both of them!!! Anything that makes mom's job even a bit easier is HUGE!!! Great job boys!!!
PS. Chloe starts PTing very soon...yikes!!
Congratulations, Kory! I'd sure like to watch you do it! I missed my chance today. Are you having any slow-tying contests?
kristin, i so love reading your blog posts about your sweet boys. and may i say two things, makai is AWESOME! i love a chunky baby..just think NFL linebacker..lots of money! haha..and are such a good mom. I am so impressed. Thanks for being a good example to me! love you!
Hooray for the boys big achievements!! They are not an easy task:) Good job boys!!!
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