And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Saturday, April 10, 2010
Lunch with Grandma
During the three weeks my parents had my grandma down to visit we had her over for lunch. I know she likes Mexican food so I just made bean and cheese burritos. That is always a hit with the boys too which I wanted--just a pleasent lunch. Afterward the boys enjoyed showing grandma pictures they've drawn. She was so sweet to them. I think she would have listened for hours as patient as could be.
The ultra funny part was because grandma's short term memory is so bad she would say the same thing over and over. Some of the things she said a few times each were-- "Wow, you are such a good artist. Does your teacher tell you what good artist you are? She should because your really good." "Now do you trace these pictures, or just draw them." Tyler would say, "I just draw them." Grandma, "Your kidding me!" Although she said things over and over I don't think the boys minded one bit being praised over and over!! I'm glad they got to spend the afternoon with her. We also looked through a lot of pictures. If Grandma isn't busy doing something she starts to want to go home. She kept thinking my mom forgot her and was worried, but once she started looking at pictures she was happy as can be. Thank you for your blogs!!
Here is Makai taking a nap on a blanket grandma made for him. It's so cute. I can tell she spent hours on it. It's a precious moments blanket and he really does sleep better when he's on it. I'm sure he can tell it was made with love.
Is that an old picture of Trey on the blanket, or are you getting your children mixed up? You wouldn't do that, would you? He does look like he's sleeping very peacefully.
What a special time for your boys to get to spend with their great-grandmother. They will treasure these pictures always.
Oh my goodness! The THIGHS on that boy! I really really wants to hold and squeeze him to bits!!!!
I love the afternoon you and your boys got to spend with your Grandma. She may not remember the details of it anymore....but your boys will forever!
OMG...Makai is getting so big!! How exciting grandma got to visit with the boys. Sweet pictures!!
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