This week was big for teeth in this house. Makai now has two teeth. They came up within about a week of each other. Then we noticed a few weeks ago that Kory had a wiggly tooth. On Friday I told him it was going to fall out, so he should just let me pull it out so he didn't swallow it. Of course, he is just like his brothers and wouldn't allow it. Sunday morning it was pretty wiggly. I noticed Sunday afternoon that his tooth was gone. I asked, "Kory, what happened to your tooth?" He didn't even know it was gone! Yep...he swallowed it! Congrats Kory! You're growin up.
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Monday, July 19, 2010
Day Three--Marine Exhibits, beach
Saturday we went to a Marine Exhibit along the central coast. There were several booths set up around the park and in each one you learned something about Marine Science. This particular booth was Tyler's dream come true. Using PVC pipe you had to create an underwater submersible that would catch rings in a swimming pool.
They gave us a motor which had three propellers on it and we built the rest of our submersible from that. Our first attempt didn't work so well, but our second try was a success. He ended up getting two rings, before I made him take it out of the water so someone else could have a turn. 
The other kids had fun playin in the water.
The second total hit was a box turtle booth. My only regret was that we couldn't take one of these bad boys home! The lady showing the booth said if you could provide a good backyard we could adopt one. However, CO isn't the warmest climate for a box turtle. 
After looking at the booths we headed down to the beach for some fun in the sun.
Betsy with Colton! Yeah, it wasn't the most relaxing trip to the beach with 10kids, 4 of which were babies, but it was fun none the less.
Day Two GGMA's
Friday we went to my grandma Carole's house for a day with family. We had such a fun time. It was hard to leave. We'd never met this little man, Prescott, but the boys were instant buddies. 
Woody is my cousins other little boy and he's old enough now to play. He and the boys played the entire day. Non-stop! It was fun to see them get along so well and use their imaginations.The boys had so much fun in 'the forest' in my grandmas backyard. If we lived nearby there would be an entire treehouse back there. Monty even build the boys a swing which they had fun on. Looks fun huh!
I was glad our boys got along so well because it allowed me to visit with my cousin. She is so great. She's such a great mom and oh so sweet. I could have talked with her for days.
Prescott was the only one that got a nap and he knew where to take it! Grandma was so good with him and so good with my boys. I love my grandma so much. I remember when I was little I LOVED to go to her house and now to see my kids have so much fun at her house is priceless. She taught my boys that at GGMA's house you don't have to ask. If you want it you can have it. My boys were in heaven eating from her buffet. I admit, I was in heaven eating from her buffet too!
My cousin Brant came with his girlfriend Tina and my Aunt Diane came after work as well! We felt so honored that everyone came to spend some time. We were thankful to see them before we leave California for a while. My Uncle Mike was in Hawaii with his Mom as she isn't doing so well. We wish her the best.
Now, I had to save my Uncle Ted for last because he is such a trooper. See...earlier in the day we had some plumbing issues. Tana and I were trying to fix it(okay I watched while she worked). I was like a bad backseat driver telling her to try this and that. She humored me and did, but nothing was working. Needless to say when Ted got there after work he had to go back to work, but this time with a lot of curious boys watching him and asking all kinds of questions. For him it was work, but for my boys it just added to the grand adventure of the day. Sorry Ted! We love you!!
We enjoyed this day so much. There aren't many days I'd like to relive, but this day is one of them. Thanks everyone for coming down for a visit and thanks Grandma for the perfect day.

I was glad our boys got along so well because it allowed me to visit with my cousin. She is so great. She's such a great mom and oh so sweet. I could have talked with her for days.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Family Trip: Day One Fishing
We needed a vacation! Its been about a year and a half since we've done anything besides school and work, so we made plans to head up north to see some friends and family. When we lived in Paso we always talked about going fishing with a friend of ours, but talking and doing are two different things. (Monty was always working and it just didn't happen.) However, we knew we couldn't leave California without going fishing with Larry. Thursday shortly after arriving in Paso Monty took the 4 older boys and headed out with Brett and the King twins.(I stayed home and helped Betsy with the triplets.). 
Larry is such a great guy. He lead the pack. He was on a mission to give the boys a great time.

He was a complete success! The boys loved it.

Although they didn't catch any fish, they did catch a frog!

Sir Trey was feeling the heat. Yep...that's sweat! Poor kid, we later found out that it was 108 degrees in Paso that day. No worries, they went to a pool later that night.
Monty said it was really fun and he was super glad they went because now he knows how to fish and he'll be able to take the boys again.

Larry is such a great guy. He lead the pack. He was on a mission to give the boys a great time.

He was a complete success! The boys loved it.

Although they didn't catch any fish, they did catch a frog!

Sir Trey was feeling the heat. Yep...that's sweat! Poor kid, we later found out that it was 108 degrees in Paso that day. No worries, they went to a pool later that night.

Thursday, July 8, 2010
The Great Escape
Last Friday we knew it was going to be hot, so we decided to escape to cooler ground. We took a drive up to Big Bear for a family hike. The hike is called 'Castle Rock' and it's a 2 mile hike, round trip, so it was a great hike for our family.
Makai had the best seat in the house. He did so great the entire day.
but freedom was nice too.
When we got to the top, we saw that to actually make it to 'Castle Rock' we had to do some climbing. Since Nana was there and offered to watch Makai Monty and I took the two older boys up. At the top the view was amazing, the breeze super refreshing. I found the boys reactions interesting. Tyler loved it. Kyle...yeah, not so much. At one point Monty asked me what time it was and Kyle said, "I think it's time to get down."
He cracked me up! It isn't often that we see Kyle scared.
I had to laugh on the way down when Monty got wedged in between these two rocks. No worries, he made it out after we all stopped laughing.
Trey was a trooper! He was tired on the way down, but we played this game where I'd swing him if he had to step down off a rock. Between that and talking about the rainbow lollipop he'd earn if he made it all the way he managed to hike it all and end with a smile!