I had to laugh on the way down when Monty got wedged in between these two rocks. No worries, he made it out after we all stopped laughing.
Trey was a trooper! He was tired on the way down, but we played this game where I'd swing him if he had to step down off a rock. Between that and talking about the rainbow lollipop he'd earn if he made it all the way he managed to hike it all and end with a smile!
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Thursday, July 8, 2010
The Great Escape
Last Friday we knew it was going to be hot, so we decided to escape to cooler ground. We took a drive up to Big Bear for a family hike. The hike is called 'Castle Rock' and it's a 2 mile hike, round trip, so it was a great hike for our family.
Makai had the best seat in the house. He did so great the entire day.
but freedom was nice too.
When we got to the top, we saw that to actually make it to 'Castle Rock' we had to do some climbing. Since Nana was there and offered to watch Makai Monty and I took the two older boys up. At the top the view was amazing, the breeze super refreshing. I found the boys reactions interesting. Tyler loved it. Kyle...yeah, not so much. At one point Monty asked me what time it was and Kyle said, "I think it's time to get down."
He cracked me up! It isn't often that we see Kyle scared.
That totally does NOT sound like Kyle to get scared. I guess we all have our weaknesses. Oh, I love Makai's chubs too! And that pink shirt you are wearing -- so cute! You look great. I'm glad you got to cool off a bit and enjoy a great day together.
OMG.... I can't believe that Makai is standing on his own now. That went by way too fast. The pictures are wonderful and I agree with Candi. You are too cute in that pink shirt. Love and miss you tons...
Looks like a fun time and yes, it was HOT that day. Iknow cause I had to shoot in it. :( Glad you got to escape the heat for a bit. :)
Wow look like a beautiful hike. It was so fun to see you guys on the webcam.
Brandon and I were just saying how we need to take our family hiking more. You hike looks fun...and pretty. I, like Kyle, would have thought is was "time to get down" too. I am SUCH a chicken when it comes to heights!
Weston has a polo shirt exactly like Trey's! :)....Connor is working on getting thighs like Makias! :)
You look great by the way!
You guys sure know how to have fun. What wonderful family memories you are creating. That pic w/ Monty between the rocks is funny. We can't wait for you all to get up here. Cam & Car have been talking about it quite a bit.
Take Care. See you soon.
Looks like a fun day! Your boys are so cute!!! I cannot believe Makais chunky little legs! To cute!
BEAUTIFUL pictures! What a fun day. That picture of Makai looks unreal! He's too little to do that! What a bunch of handsome boys.
BEAUTIFUL pictures! What a fun day. That picture of Makai looks unreal! He's too little to do that! What a bunch of handsome boys.
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