And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Monday, July 19, 2010
Day Three--Marine Exhibits, beach
Saturday we went to a Marine Exhibit along the central coast. There were several booths set up around the park and in each one you learned something about Marine Science. This particular booth was Tyler's dream come true. Using PVC pipe you had to create an underwater submersible that would catch rings in a swimming pool.
They gave us a motor which had three propellers on it and we built the rest of our submersible from that. Our first attempt didn't work so well, but our second try was a success. He ended up getting two rings, before I made him take it out of the water so someone else could have a turn. 
The other kids had fun playin in the water.
The second total hit was a box turtle booth. My only regret was that we couldn't take one of these bad boys home! The lady showing the booth said if you could provide a good backyard we could adopt one. However, CO isn't the warmest climate for a box turtle. 
After looking at the booths we headed down to the beach for some fun in the sun.
Betsy with Colton! Yeah, it wasn't the most relaxing trip to the beach with 10kids, 4 of which were babies, but it was fun none the less.
FUN!!!!! What would we do without kids to go do fun stuff with?
How fun! Glad you got to take a little vacation. Looks like everyone had a good time. Sand on the mouth is a sure sign. And I bet you can find another kind of turtle to keep in Colorado. I know lots of people in Wyoming with them :)
Too cute sis.... I absolutely love the picture of Makai at the end. He looks like he's in heaven.
Did Makai love the sand:)He's so cute!!
That had to be a wild beach day. I can't even imagine . . . And the sand almost looks delicious!
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