And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Thursday, September 30, 2010
A Visit from our Friends!
We were so excited last week went we got a call from our Bishop in Paso. He, his wife and daughter, Hillary, were in Denver and wondered if they could stop by! YES!! We were so excited for their visit. It was great to just sit and talk about their first trip to Colorado and catch up. Sister Richards was Kyle's Primary teacher when we lived in Paso, so he was excited to see her. Thanks so much for coming! We felt honored you'd stop to see us.
Oh, and I just thought I'd put this picture on here because it's our first family picture with all 7 of us. Lets hope the next one is a little perfect! Ha. I think those days are gone!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Special Delivery!!
So, its not often I get a special delivery in the mail, but yesterday was an exception. My sweet niece Chloe drew this beautiful picture for me! Wasn't that just so thoughtful. It is hanging on my fridge and brings a smile to my face every time I see it! Thanks so much Chloe! You made my day! I sure love you. (Thanks Michelle!)
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
So my cousin in law Caitlyn asked on her blog what we get so preoccupied with we forget about real life. The truth is...that happens to me all the time. Here are three simple examples:
We bought this couch shortly after moving here(that's a whole different story). However, it didn't come with pillows and I wanted pillows. So, I hunted pillows forever! I looked at about 5 stores, looked online and then finally just made the decision one day that I was going to buy some that day so I could move on with my life. I went to Kohls and spent about an hour picking these bad boys out. I am horrible at decisions! I mean, what if I buy pillows I think are perfect and then find some I like more(or more important) see a better deal somewhere else?! For that reason I even get on my own nerves when I shop! Anyway, found these and love them.
Then, I wanted a new bag. Once I got it in my mind I couldn't think about anything else! I started looking in stores, but couldn't find one I liked at a price I liked. Then I'd convince myself I really didn't NEED a bag. Anyway, at a fabric store one day patterns were on sale for 99cent, so what did I do. Bought a bag pattern. I then found some fabric I already had and made this bag.
Next...I wanted a FAMILY sign to go over these two pictures I have. I looked at two or three stores and of course online again. Then last week I remembered a friend of mine gave me a kit that had FAMILY on it. I tweaked it a bit till I liked it and made this FAMILY sign to go over my pictures. I still don't LOVE it, but it was free and that I do love.
We bought this couch shortly after moving here(that's a whole different story). However, it didn't come with pillows and I wanted pillows. So, I hunted pillows forever! I looked at about 5 stores, looked online and then finally just made the decision one day that I was going to buy some that day so I could move on with my life. I went to Kohls and spent about an hour picking these bad boys out. I am horrible at decisions! I mean, what if I buy pillows I think are perfect and then find some I like more(or more important) see a better deal somewhere else?! For that reason I even get on my own nerves when I shop! Anyway, found these and love them.
Appropriate I Suppose
Monday, September 13, 2010
I decided I need to write for a moment about Sean. Sean came into our lives a few months ago. He is Trey's imaginary friend. Everyday he'll tell me something Sean has done that is not okay. For example he'll say something like, "Mom, when Sean eats his cereal he spills it all over the table." or, "Mom, Sean just hit me. You need to talk to him." I'll then give 'Sean' a lecture on what is appropriate behavior. Anyway, for a time I wasn't sure what I thought about it, but now I think it's good. It gives me a chance to teach Trey things without Trey actually trying them. I give Sean the lecture and Trey loves being the kid who knows better. Today while walking Kory home from school Kory and Trey had a funny conversation.
Trey: "Mom you know what Sean thinks?"
Kory: "Trey, Sean isn't real!!"
Trey: "I know Sean doesn't exist!! It's just...urr. Mom, Sean thinks there is a blue spider- man."
I guess it doesn't sound that funny written, but it made me laugh when I heard it.
Trey: "Mom you know what Sean thinks?"
Kory: "Trey, Sean isn't real!!"
Trey: "I know Sean doesn't exist!! It's just...urr. Mom, Sean thinks there is a blue spider- man."
I guess it doesn't sound that funny written, but it made me laugh when I heard it.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Makai has a show! He loves the Backyardagins. It's so cute to watch him get excited whenever he hears the music. He never really makes it through a show, but whenever they sing it gets his attention again. Anyway...he's growing up on us.
He's officially crawling and can make it up the stairs before I even realize he's gone. Yesterday I was making dinner and thought he was downstairs in the toy room, but then heard him upstairs...I still can't figure out how he got by me! He's getting fast. Oh, and I must give him credit. He slept through the night for the first time ever. I'm not silly enough to think it will happen again for a while, but it was sure nice to have a full nights sleep for the first time in well...over 8 months. This was huge for him! Before last night his record was 4 hours! Anyway...thanks buddy for the break!! Sure love all your cuteness!!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Are you ready for a dental lesson? Parulus: A Parulus is also called a gum boil. It's the body's response to a toxin that forms in the gums as a result of an infection at the tip of a root of a tooth in which the nerve is dead. 
When Kory was 2 he fell and hit his front tooth. The tooth went all the way through his bottom lip resulting in several stitches. His tooth was knocked out of place, and turned brown, but he didn't lose it.
Two years ago(bad mom) I noticed this 'blister' in his mouth, but thought it was a sore that would go away. It never dawned on me that it could be connected to the dead tooth. I checked it every now and again and the last time I saw it I thought his body was fighting it and it was getting better.
Well, a few nights ago I saw that it was still there so I did a google search to see if there was anything I could do to help it heal. While searching I found out what it really was(a parulus) and that we needed a dentist to extract the tooth since in my opinion a root canal is out of the question. Thankfully, we know a dentist here, so I called him up the next day and after looking at it he decided I'd made the right diagnosis.
The result...a new smile, which Kory will have for a while. I'm thankful it happened when he was 5 and not 2! I just hope that he doesn't have any lasting damage to the adult tooth. If so, I'm SO sorry buddy!!
OH, and for the record Kory was so brave at the dentist! Not a tear was shed!