And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Thursday, September 30, 2010
A Visit from our Friends!
We were so excited last week went we got a call from our Bishop in Paso. He, his wife and daughter, Hillary, were in Denver and wondered if they could stop by! YES!! We were so excited for their visit. It was great to just sit and talk about their first trip to Colorado and catch up. Sister Richards was Kyle's Primary teacher when we lived in Paso, so he was excited to see her. Thanks so much for coming! We felt honored you'd stop to see us.
Oh, and I just thought I'd put this picture on here because it's our first family picture with all 7 of us. Lets hope the next one is a little perfect! Ha. I think those days are gone!
Darn it! When I saw that title I was hoping it was ME who came to visit :) Oh well, maybe next time. Ok, I'm a little tired -- but I love your family pic. I know how that feels. Just line up on the couch. That's about all I can hope for anymore. Not really, I'm still hopeful someday I'll get a really nice, maybe even professional, family pic. Anyway, it was good to see you again! But I'm still hoping for an in-person contact :)
:) (side note...Connor just barfed down my arm+leg...)
love treys expression. (more barf from connor)
love your family. you guys ARE pictures perfect!
This picture is picture perfect! It's exactly how life is :)
Nice to see a picture of all the family together:)
Amazing family portrait! Classic. It could become a favorite.
What a great family picture! Can't believe how big your family is :)
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