And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Makai has a show! He loves the Backyardagins. It's so cute to watch him get excited whenever he hears the music. He never really makes it through a show, but whenever they sing it gets his attention again. Anyway...he's growing up on us.
He's officially crawling and can make it up the stairs before I even realize he's gone. Yesterday I was making dinner and thought he was downstairs in the toy room, but then heard him upstairs...I still can't figure out how he got by me! He's getting fast. Oh, and I must give him credit. He slept through the night for the first time ever. I'm not silly enough to think it will happen again for a while, but it was sure nice to have a full nights sleep for the first time in well...over 8 months. This was huge for him! Before last night his record was 4 hours! Anyway...thanks buddy for the break!! Sure love all your cuteness!!
We used to have an Elmo chair!
Makai is so cute....but you already know that. And I am so glad he gave you more than 4 hours consecutive sleep! We just set Connors crib up I am hoping for some good sleep tonight!
We used to have an Elmo chair!
Makai is so cute....but you already know that. And I am so glad he gave you more than 4 hours consecutive sleep! We just set Connors crib up I am hoping for some good sleep tonight!
I remember the Backyardigans! They were cute. Yeah, he's growing up so fast! But I am so sorry he is not sleeping through the night yet. I was really lucky in that department. I hope he continues this new sleep pattern. Sleep is SO important -- for both of you!
It's always great when kids find a show they get excited about.
But I hate Backyardigans.
I could almost stand it, though, if it weren't for the music.
At least it's not Wonder Pets.
So cute that he has a show! He is so adorable sitting in his little Elmo chair.
I have never actually seen or heard of that show before. I'm sure when my kids hit the stage when they're interested in TV I'll gain that knowledge pretty quick!
Look at how he sits, just like the chief that he is. So cute, I hope he continues to sleep through the night. That would be sooo great for both of you.
Alofa atu.
Aww he is getting so big!! His first year birthday is coming close by.
Wow, he is growing up fast. And you might just get some sleep. You may be surprised when you start feeling energy and stop the constant sleep deprivation. A whole new phase of life for you!
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