And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Saturday, December 18, 2010
Makai's 1!
Makai is officially 1! I can't believe it. He had a super fun birthday. Well, I must say the best part of the day was when we had cupcakes. (Our family NEVER finishes a cake, so I didn't even bother. I just made 12 cupcakes.) Makai was VERY excited to get his cupcake. In fact, this picture was taken while we were singing. He couldn't wait...
AH...much better!!
Ensuring he got every last piece of his cupcake.
Happy Birthday Makai!! We love you!!
Makai is a total handful right now. He is walking like a champ and has no trouble getting into anything and everything he wants to. His favorite thing to play with is the Tupperware while I'm cooking, food of any kind, oh...and he loves balls. I got him a ball for his birthday and he was totally excited about it all night. If anyone else tried to play with it he screamed. He's been screaming a lot lately. A sign of his strong will. I was relieved to have the 1st year under our belts, but now I'm remembering what age 1 brings...wish us luck. Oh, and he can say "Dada" in fact he said it all through Sacrament meeting today!:)
One already??? WOW!!!! Happy birthday little-big man!!!
Looks like you've been playing a little catch-up yourself. I like the cupcake idea. Who needs a whole cake? Happy birthday, Makai! Glad it was a great day.
It looks like Makai finished the cupcake and started on the table! What a cute guy. Happy birthday!
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