Makai enjoying his freedom! He loves to walk around, but won't keep socks or shoes on. Thanks Mammy and Grandpop for the birthday gift. Freedom was his at this exhibit without the fear of every known virus on the planet on his feet.
Kyle in another part of heaven.
Kory being a deer.
Thanks for a fun day boys. So glad you enjoy this earth and all it's wonders.
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Thursday, December 23, 2010
After dropping my parents off at the airport we decided to go to the Museum of Nature and Science. In our house this could be named the 'Museum of Heaven on Earth'. One of the first exhibits was a gems and crystals exhibit. Kyle was in...well...HEAVEN!!

Tyler found out his birthstone is the state gem. He was pretty excited to learn that.
I don't know why, but I think Moose are cool! I had to get a picture of it. Again, not sure why I like this beast...but I do.
I HATE snakes but thought this was a cute picture. They had an exhibit about the Amazon.(thought of you Erik.) All I know is if I EVER run across one of these bad boys I sure hope I have ALL these boys with me!!
Looks like such a fun day! The boys are all getting so big!
If any of your boys grow up to be anything but a scientist I will be very surprised! Well, maybe not, because I know how quickly our interests can change, but I love to see their thirst for museums. You are giving your kids a great education.
That looks like a Salanoa museum for sure!
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