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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

This year the boys decided to go as Jedi's for Halloween.  Of course, we had to have a Yoda and Makai was the perfect fit.

Good luck Kory!  Yoda gets a little out of control with his light saber!!

I love this photo of the boys.  It captures all their personalities.  Oh, and Makai is making his Yoda face.  He even talks like Yoda a times.  Scratchy voice at least.

Sorry Trey!! 

Is happy to be Yoda.  He even won a prize for his costume at the ward Halloween Party.  Of course, several lame people thought he was Shrek.  Oh well...I tried.


Jennifer said...

You are SO smart to have taken pictures before it got dark. I don't know why I can't remember to do that.
I LOVE the pictures of your jedi's and yoda! How fun!
I think Makia's costume turned out great! and thank goodness he doesn't look too exactly like yoda because that guy looks sort of creepy and makia looks nothing but adorable!

Jennifer said...

and you can be greatful for no girls were getting their make up on for halloween and connor (who was a horse) insisted on wearing purple eye shadow! I bet your boys have NEVER asked for that!

Veronica Peterson said...

Super cool:)