Tuesday we decided to go to the Mid-State Fair as a family.

Trey loved the animals! He called everything a "
da", but hey...he's trying. The pigs were so muscular and clean. Pretty fun.

Kory petting a goat.

We watched the 4-H kids show their animals for a while. We think it's a great thing for kids to be involved in. Kyle and Tyler are old enough to do a small animal and we are thinking of doing it--maybe a rabbit?! We'll see.

The boys with a cow rear! My parents took us to the LA county fair when I was little. I still remember the smell of the cows! I laughed so hard when I saw Kyle walking through the barn with his nose plugged and gagging at the cow pies!

My entire life I've wanted to do one of these slides! When I saw it I was so excited for the boys to try it.

Notice how much fun they are having! I did it with Kory and he had an even better reaction--full out crying! Hey...sometimes the reality isn't as great as the dream! I enjoyed it:)
Today, the boys and I went back to the fair with some friends. The boys all got to ride a pony and my friend was sweet enough to get pictures of them all! Thanks Betsy!! Tyler had to be coaxed into riding the horse, but enjoyed himself! Sometimes, I worry about Tyler--he needs to be more of a kid!

It was Kory's first time on a pony! He is a true cowboy!

Kyle some how got on twice! :) Great day!
Yea...make those city boys into cowboys! How fun, but seriously a clean pig. How did that happen? Check out the real pig on my page. HAHA! Glad you guys are enjoying the fair, I think it's good for them too.
Isn't in funny how our perspective of 4-H changes as we become parents? I was drug through 9 years of that! But now I can't wait for Chloe to turn 8 so I can get her in a club. However, I will not make her do animals! A rabbit doesn't sound so bad, but she has her allergies, so that's out.
I think it's sweet that Tyler is so timid. Makes me feel like Chloe is going to turn out ok, because I know you're doing a wonderful job as a mom, so I can't be messing her up too bad. I really miss your kids!
What a fun day!! Glad you all had a great time.
The girls are so jealous, they can't wait for the LA County Fair!
Fair's are so much fun. There is a lot to do. Good pics!
I love the fair. I have so many fun m emories of my parents taking me to the fair. It is so fun to see how differnt the kids react to things. Its amazing they can all have their own personalities.
Looks like an awesome day. I have alwayz been curious about those slides as well. I feel like I have experienced it now that I have read your account and seen the pictures. Thank you for the experience. Glad you all had fun.
That IS a great idea! - about the rabbit. I'd never thought of that. And that's nice you're taking advantage of the fair...making some great memories I'm sure!
:) You're gonna do 4-H! WOW! That would be so fun! I didn't even know what 4-H was until I moved to AZ! It really is a good thing for kids to do. Brandon and his siblings made lots of money raising steers for the fair and then selling them.
Looks like you guys have been having fun! Makes me want to go to the State Fair when it comes!
That picture of Kyle on the horse is classic!! He looks like the biggest tourist on the planet!! Miss ya!! Love ya!!
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