On a happier and cutter note--Trey started folding his arms!! YEAH!! Yesterday morning at breakfast when I said, "Okay, it's time to pray." He put down his sippy cup and folded his arms. It is so cute!!
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Friday, July 18, 2008
What is this?
I had this brilliant idea to pull weeds today! See those tall green plants behind the bushes...yeah, those are weeds with HUGE thrones. I'd love to know what kind of weed they are. All I know is...
their roots are very long and very strong and in our battle to see if they were going to stay or go...
While trying to pull one out, the root broke and I went rolling down the hill onto another weed just like it and yeah...it didn't feel so good! Anyway, if anyone has any clue what it is...I'd love to know!
On a happier and cutter note--Trey started folding his arms!! YEAH!! Yesterday morning at breakfast when I said, "Okay, it's time to pray." He put down his sippy cup and folded his arms. It is so cute!!

On a happier and cutter note--Trey started folding his arms!! YEAH!! Yesterday morning at breakfast when I said, "Okay, it's time to pray." He put down his sippy cup and folded his arms. It is so cute!!
Trey is SO cute and your scratched up leg is SO tan!
I now what kind of weeds those are...they're the kind that Monty needs to be pulling and not you!!! :)
Your a brave, ambitious girl. sometimes I look at my weed and think I should get out there but then I remember how messy my house it and I go back in. Those seriously looked like trees though.
I agree with Jen. Tell Monty to get the shovel and head out. :) OUCH!!
OUCH! Your scratch looks like it was painful and big. Your brave!
Trey looks cute!
OMG sis... so not the business with the weeds. Since we bought the house, TJ has been trying to tell me that we need to pull weeds TOGETHER... Sure thing hun... Guarantee I went out there and acted like I was doing something productive. By the time TJ was done with his section, mine still looked EXACTLY the same. You are my hero... just looking at the weeds and dirt scared the living daylights out of me...
Are you sure those aren't little trees??
i've decided that when i create my own world, weeds will not exist! and if they do, they will be pretty so they can just stay put! but way to be tough......
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