The water in Cancun was beautiful and the sand was amazing. Of all the beaches we've been to we've never walked on softer, cleaner sand.
This was one of our favorite restaurants. As you can see every inch of the walls was written on, so we were a little worried, but the Mexican food was very good. They had this nacho plate that was bangin'. We ate Mexican food almost every meal. We vowed to take in the whole experience. They do have many American Restaurants, but we stayed away from those.
Chichen Itza is one of the seven wonders of the world. They say it's about 1500 years old. It was so enlightening to see a civilization that old and hear some of the theories about how they lived. Seeing their towns strengthened my testimony of the Book of Mormon. As you see the construction it's amazing to think about Nephi and Samuel and caption Moroni--all those amazing men. They truly could have hid in those forests. The land is so flat it would be so easy to get lost and never return! Great experience.
The people were a little smaller than Monty though. I had to laugh as he tried to walk down some of the steps--people are sure bigger these days.
On the last day we decided to take a boat ride out to do some snorkeling. We were not disappointed. There were so many fish!! We saw amazing coral, an eel, and(the highlight) a sea turtle. We love sea turtles, so to see one in the ocean was an experience we will never forget. Oh, and a few days earlier we saw two sting rays.
I'm so glad you're back! I seriously missed you. Even though it's just online I can still tell when your presence is not there. I'm so glad to hear about your trip, though. That looks like so much fun! I'm glad you had such a good time. We almost went to Cancun on our honeymoon, before we found a better deal, but I'd love to go someday. So far, it hasn't made it on our list, though. Welcome home!
I am so glad you guys are back safely and had a wonderful experience! We've missed you!
I'm so glad that you guys had a great time. Ok, the pic of Monty in the slippers made me laugh so hard.
It looks like you had such a good time! We need to chat so you can give me all your tips before we go next month! Who was your tour guide at Chitzen Itza?
Those were some great pictures! You captured some funny moments really well. I'm jelous you escaped for a week and had so much fun. I'm so proud of you for just doing it and getting such a fun break! Inspiring!!!
I love the pics. And Im glad you guys made it there and back safely. The boys came over for acouple hours and played the game cube of course. It was still good to see them. Maybe one day James and I will make a trip like that. All in all I hope you had a nice relaxing vacation and enjoyed eachothers company. Love you both!
oh wow! That looks like it was so fun! What an experience!
The pictures were so fun to look at. I am so glad you both had a good time together. You both need to do fun things together once in a while.
THAT VACATION LOOKS AMAZING!!!! Monty defintaely looked so cute in his bathrobe..i gotta imagine most of the world doesn't make things to fit samoan men..craig has a hard time finding stuff, he is
6'4" but definately not as built as monty! poor guy!! Your vacation looked so much like one that we took of the ruins in Belize..the mayan tour guide said that the symbols on teh side prophesied of the 'god that would come from the sky"..hmm..i wanted to bust out 3 Nephi 11 :) You definately deserved a vacation...glad you had a great time :) love ya!
I'm just so happy that you are back. I swear.... blogspot was so boring without your stories of the boys and stuff. You guys crack me up. Monty looked hilarious with his one size too small for al samoan men bathrobe. Now I know what to take to the spa whenever TJ & I decide to Love and miss you long time and have a great day.
I am SO glad you guys had a great time!!!
Loved your cute brown dress! (were'd you get it!)'d you talk Monty into going to the spa with you!? I'd have to do some major bribbing to get Brandon to do that!
ANYHOW!!! I can't wait to hear ALL about the trip! I should just call you! This weekend is a crazy one for Snowflake...they're having their BIG Pioneer Day Celebration plus all the Flake family stuff going on! Let me now when a good time to clal would be okay!?
Love ya!
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