And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Friday, August 29, 2008
All week Kory has wanted Pancakes for lunch. Yesterday was no exception, but after he ate half his sandwich I gave in! I saw this idea of making letters with pancakes on the day before and figured we'd go ahead and do his name. We are working on his name this week for preschool. Now Kory knows how to spell his name. KORY!!
He only ate the 'y' at first, because he was too full from lunch, but about an hour later he came downstairs and ate the rest of it. Thanks for the fun Kory!

Monday, August 25, 2008
New Beginnings
Today couldn't have gone better for the boys. It started off with taking Tyler to school at 8:00. I walked him to his classroom(he even let me hold his hand) and he went right in and sat in his chair. After school he said it was, "GREAT!" I'm so glad you had a great day of 2nd grade Ty!!
Two hours later it was finally Kyle's turn to go to school! I think it was the longest two hours of his life! He kept asking..."Is it time yet?" Finally it was time and while walking up to his classroom he said, "Mom, I can't believe it's my first day of school." While finding where to put his backpack there was an unplanned fire drill. His poor teacher! As if it wasn't crazy enough trying to put faces with names and parents she got a fire drill. Trey, Kory and I walked out with him and his class along with a lot of other parents who still had to give his teacher some info. Kyle looked a little confused, so I was glad I was there to explain that wasn't going to happen everyday. (Just until the office figures out the bell system!) After school Kyle was all smiles! "Mom, I loved everything about today!" YEAH KYLE!! You're a KINDERGARTNER!!:)
After dropping off Kyle, Trey fell to sleep so it was just me and Kory! I must say that was really fun. We worked on a few preschool things and had a nice lunch together! I taught him how to make an orange smile! You know, all those fun things kids learn at preschool. Thanks for the date Kory...lets plan another--tomorrow!:)

Friday, August 22, 2008
It's a Miracle!
I thought this day would never happen!! Trey has begun to enjoy bath time! It only took almost 15 months of screaming his guts out in the bath to learn they really aren't that bad! So, I had to get a picture of the momentous occasion! Kory was having one of his baths(he asks everyday several times a day if he can have a bath) and Trey started lifting his leg and crying because he wanted in! I couldn't believe it! Of course...he got his wish!
Tyler and Kyle wanted to join in on the party!!
This week at Target we were looking for Popsicle sticks for the boys to build with, but couldn't find them, so they got these fuzzy pipe cleaners instead. Who would have thought these $1.45 pipe cleaners would foster their creative imaginations for hours. Kyle made me this hat. Yeah, I know you all want one!:)
Monty was gone this week in Minnesota, so it was just me and the boys. We had a fun time. We went to the water park a few times, watched some Olympics, read, played...pretty low key. A fun week. Next week they start school. Today we found out Kyle got the teacher he wanted...Mrs. Root. He was so cute...when he heard he got her he jumped and gave me a big hug around my neck. His reaction is one I'll never forget. He keeps saying, "Yeah, I don't think they picked me to be in her class, I think I picked to be in her class." We then went to his classroom and he looked around like a kid in a candy store. Monday is going to be exciting. Tyler got Mrs. Diaz. I already like her because she was in the classroom and didn't have to be. She said, "Yeah, I don't know why they don't do a 'meet the teacher day' here, but they do it at my daughters school, so I do it. She let us go in the classroom and find Tyler's chair--see the room--all that fun stuff. This is something Tyler needs. He is not great at new things, but if he gets it into his head what something is going to be like before it happens, he's a lot better off when it really does. I was so thankful she was there. He's sitting next to Tabitha, the same girl he sat next to in 1st grade, so he was really excited about that. However, Louis isn't in his class and that made him cry. I was glad we got that over with before Monday. So far, I like the boys I think it's going to be a good year.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Kindergarten assessment
This morning was Kyle's big day-his Kindergarten assessment. He was so excited. As we were walking to the classroom and holding hands part of me couldn't believe my little Kyle is already going to Kindergarten. I don't feel as emotional as I did when Tyler went, but I think that's more because Kyle is so much more confident. He's more of a people person and just ready for the adventure that awaits him. Anyway, he walked in, followed the directions perfectly and they said he's totally on target. I must say my favorite part was when they asked him to draw a picture of himself. He was so sweet while he was drawing and very talkative. He said, "Sure, I can draw myself...I do this all the time at home." He proceeded to quickly draw himself. When drawing his face he said, "I'm drawing myself happy because that is how I feel right now. When we first came in I was nervous because I thought this stuff might be hard, but it's not. It's actually really fun." I loved hearing him say that. Afterward I took him out to the playground and let him play for a while. He was in heaven. I taught him how to play hop scotch and then he amazed me with his ability to do so much on the bars. He said, "I can't believe I'm going to get to play on this playground everyday!!" While walking to the car his final remarks were, "Mom, I just can't stop smiling. I think I'm going to smile all day because I'm just so happy." We are so excited for Kyle! Friday we will go back and see what class he gets placed in. He CAN'T wait!! Good job today Kyle! You're growing up to be an amazing kid. We love you!!
Friday, August 15, 2008
I've ruined my child!
Kory has a little bit of a temper/emotional side. Often when he cries he's totally out of control, but doing it more for show than anything else. You can't talk with him because he's screaming so loud, so a few months ago I had this idea...rather than allow it to continue I would say, "I hate it when 'Grumpy Kory' is here. Okay, I'm going to close my eyes and count the three and when I open them I sure hope 'Happy Kory' is back." It works every time! It gives him an "out" or a reason to stop crying and then we can talk things over rationally. Lately however I've been a little worried because he blames things on "Grumpy Kory". For example, last night he never cleared his part of the table, so this morning his plate was still at the table. When he saw it he said, "Hey, who forgot to clear their plate?" When he realized it was his he then said, "Oh Grumpy Kory must have forgotten." Then I asked him if he could clear it for "grumpy Kory" and he did. Now I'm just a little worried I'm going to give my kid multiple personalities. Think I should be worried?
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love you...tomorrow...

Monday, August 11, 2008
Photo Time's been a while since I've taken any pictures of my boys together, so today I thought I'd have some fun. Most of the time it was are a few of my favorites.

I like to take pictures outside, but today it was just too hot! After a short time we had to go inside. I bribed Kory at the beginning that he could have a sucker when we were done if he was good. Well...when we got inside he started eating it and then decided to share with Trey.
It then became Trey's. Amazingly Kory was okay with that. He got fruit snacks instead.
When Trey finished his sucker he wanted to read. Kory got this book at church yesterday and Tyler read it to the boys. He's such a great reader. We are proud of him.

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Like Father, like son
I sent Kyle upstairs today to get dressed and then didn't see him for a while. When I did my initial reaction was to tell him to go take off his church pants, but then I saw this little tag that said, "Target Maniger Kyle". It was so cute I decided to let him bask in the moment. At least till we really go to Target today. I'm glad he admires his dad and wants to be like him.

Monday, August 4, 2008
Silly Snacks
Monty's mom is here for a few days and the boys are totally enjoying it. This morning they went to the store and got all the ingredients to make a fruit dip recipie from their Silly Snacks book.
Somehow Kyle came home with this hat too! He was so funny. He walked in the front door and screamed..."Now I don't have to wait till Christmas for the hat I've always wanted!" Monty and I both looked at each other wondering when he ever asked for a hat?! He likes it because he thinks he looks like Indiana Jones.
The Boys and Nana with the finished product! It was really delicious--especially on a hot day!:) Thanks Nana!

Friday, August 1, 2008
Run Mom, Run!
Tonight I had to go up to the church to see if we had some things in our Primary closet. I decided to take the boys and play with them in the cultural hall since today was so hot we couldn't go outside. We had the greatest time!
I had the boys doing some basketball drills. Kory kept crying because Tyler kept beating him. I jokingly said, "Kory, Tyler has longer legs than you. He runs faster than you. Don't worry, I don't even think I can beat him." Tyler heard this and immediately challenged me to a race! Hello!! I am not one to turn down a challenge. So, I put Trey down(he wasn't so excited about the challenge) and got on my mark! GOOD GRIEF!! We raced back and forth several times and I was dying to keep up with him! He beat me twice! I beat him once and we tied most of the time. I was seriously running as fast as I could!! It was so fun. However, I'm afraid it's not going to be as fun tomorrow. I can already feel my quads tightening!
We then played a fun game. We sat on the floor and who ever had the ball had to answer a question.
The first question: What is your favorite food?
Kory: Macaroni and Cheese (funny, half the time I make it he doesn't eat it)
Tyler: Pizza and Hot Dogs
Kyle: "I have a lot actually. Strawberries, strawberry shortcake, hot dogs, pizza, salad, and macaroni and cheese like Kory."
Second Question: What are you afraid of?
Tyler: Snakes and dad chasing me down the stairs.
Kyle: "I have a lot actually. Monsters, balls with poky things on them rolling after me,..."he went on.
Third question: "What is your favorite memory?"
Kory: "Going to Hawaii."
Kyle: "I have a lot actually. Going to Hawaii, when Trey was born, when Trey started to walk..." he went on.
Tyler: "When Trey was born. Going to Hawaii." Most of what Kyle had said.
Question 4: What was your worst memory?
Kyle: "I have a lot actually. You know the first...SHOTS for Kindergarten!"
Kory: "Getting shots!"
Tyler: "When President Hinckley died." He then burst into tears. I knew he was sad that day, but didn't expect that reaction. Needless to say we stopped the game. I felt like I learned a lot about the boys tonight. They are great kids.
I had the boys doing some basketball drills. Kory kept crying because Tyler kept beating him. I jokingly said, "Kory, Tyler has longer legs than you. He runs faster than you. Don't worry, I don't even think I can beat him." Tyler heard this and immediately challenged me to a race! Hello!! I am not one to turn down a challenge. So, I put Trey down(he wasn't so excited about the challenge) and got on my mark! GOOD GRIEF!! We raced back and forth several times and I was dying to keep up with him! He beat me twice! I beat him once and we tied most of the time. I was seriously running as fast as I could!! It was so fun. However, I'm afraid it's not going to be as fun tomorrow. I can already feel my quads tightening!
We then played a fun game. We sat on the floor and who ever had the ball had to answer a question.
The first question: What is your favorite food?
Kory: Macaroni and Cheese (funny, half the time I make it he doesn't eat it)
Tyler: Pizza and Hot Dogs
Kyle: "I have a lot actually. Strawberries, strawberry shortcake, hot dogs, pizza, salad, and macaroni and cheese like Kory."
Second Question: What are you afraid of?
Tyler: Snakes and dad chasing me down the stairs.
Kyle: "I have a lot actually. Monsters, balls with poky things on them rolling after me,..."he went on.
Third question: "What is your favorite memory?"
Kory: "Going to Hawaii."
Kyle: "I have a lot actually. Going to Hawaii, when Trey was born, when Trey started to walk..." he went on.
Tyler: "When Trey was born. Going to Hawaii." Most of what Kyle had said.
Question 4: What was your worst memory?
Kyle: "I have a lot actually. You know the first...SHOTS for Kindergarten!"
Kory: "Getting shots!"
Tyler: "When President Hinckley died." He then burst into tears. I knew he was sad that day, but didn't expect that reaction. Needless to say we stopped the game. I felt like I learned a lot about the boys tonight. They are great kids.