's been a while since I've taken any pictures of my boys together, so today I thought I'd have some fun. Most of the time it was are a few of my favorites.

I like to take pictures outside, but today it was just too hot! After a short time we had to go inside. I bribed Kory at the
beginning that he could have a sucker when we were done if he was good. Well...when we got inside he started eating it and then decided to share with Trey.

It then became Trey's. Amazingly Kory was okay with that. He got fruit snacks instead.

When Trey finished his sucker he wanted to read. Kory got this book at church yesterday and Tyler read it to the boys. He's such a great reader. We are proud of him.
love the plaid shorts...and i just want to pinch little should audition him for commercials or something!
I love the pictures. Your boys are so cute and I can't wait to see them again...
What handsome boys!
(And I love that you bribed them. So I'm not the only that does that!)
Handsome boys! I love Treys look in the pics.
I'm so glad you got the pictures. You did a great job! I love the one of Kory sharing the sucker. You always do such a nice job of matching everyone. If it wasn't for that stressor I'd probably get a lot more family pics. Nice job!
:) So cute! I need to do that with my kiddos!
Those Salanoa men know how to make adorable kids! We miss you guys!!
Oh my, these pics are SO cute! I love that Trey got to steal the lolli. :) You sure do have some handsome boys!!!
Your pix always look like they should be in a frame on the wall. I think I may try the one with the book...Is that just a plain white wall behind the boys and are you laying on the ground?? :) I always make the mistake of the wrong angle...I guess that's why your's look professional. If you don't see one like it on my know it didn't go so well... VERY cute pix, Kristin!!
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