And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Friday, August 22, 2008
It's a Miracle!
I thought this day would never happen!! Trey has begun to enjoy bath time! It only took almost 15 months of screaming his guts out in the bath to learn they really aren't that bad! So, I had to get a picture of the momentous occasion! Kory was having one of his baths(he asks everyday several times a day if he can have a bath) and Trey started lifting his leg and crying because he wanted in! I couldn't believe it! Of course...he got his wish!
Tyler and Kyle wanted to join in on the party!!
This week at Target we were looking for Popsicle sticks for the boys to build with, but couldn't find them, so they got these fuzzy pipe cleaners instead. Who would have thought these $1.45 pipe cleaners would foster their creative imaginations for hours. Kyle made me this hat. Yeah, I know you all want one!:)
Monty was gone this week in Minnesota, so it was just me and the boys. We had a fun time. We went to the water park a few times, watched some Olympics, read, played...pretty low key. A fun week. Next week they start school. Today we found out Kyle got the teacher he wanted...Mrs. Root. He was so cute...when he heard he got her he jumped and gave me a big hug around my neck. His reaction is one I'll never forget. He keeps saying, "Yeah, I don't think they picked me to be in her class, I think I picked to be in her class." We then went to his classroom and he looked around like a kid in a candy store. Monday is going to be exciting. Tyler got Mrs. Diaz. I already like her because she was in the classroom and didn't have to be. She said, "Yeah, I don't know why they don't do a 'meet the teacher day' here, but they do it at my daughters school, so I do it. She let us go in the classroom and find Tyler's chair--see the room--all that fun stuff. This is something Tyler needs. He is not great at new things, but if he gets it into his head what something is going to be like before it happens, he's a lot better off when it really does. I was so thankful she was there. He's sitting next to Tabitha, the same girl he sat next to in 1st grade, so he was really excited about that. However, Louis isn't in his class and that made him cry. I was glad we got that over with before Monday. So far, I like the boys I think it's going to be a good year.
Yea, I'm SO glad that Trey fianlly took to the bath. That is probably the kids favorite time of day here. Christian also asks during the day for a bath and little Chloe is a natural also. :)
I'm glad that school is looking good for the will make things easier. I can't wait to see you guys next week!!
I am SO glad your boys got good teachers! It's hard to believe Tyler's in 2nd grade!...
What a blessing that Trey enjoyed a bath! I couldn't imagine having to fight my kids to take a bath!
I love the pipe cleaner hat. Definately, put in an order for me! They are quite a fun little toy.
And I agree, why can't they have a day BEFORE school starts to let kids go meet their teacher and check out the room? We have a "back to school night" for the parents, but it's 4 days after school starts.
Love the bath pictures as well. Those are always fun shots to get -- and good collateral for when the kids get older :)
Awesome Trey loves baths now. Cool hat boys! Glad to know you and the boys like there teachers.
How funny he didn't like a bath. Luke was like that for a spell until I introduced bubbles! Love the hat. You look so enthused.
That makes bath time a ton easier!!! And its great the boys like their teachers, its so important since those are there first experiences and will deal with teachers for the rest of their school education.
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