And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Friday, August 29, 2008
All week Kory has wanted Pancakes for lunch. Yesterday was no exception, but after he ate half his sandwich I gave in! I saw this idea of making letters with pancakes on the day before and figured we'd go ahead and do his name. We are working on his name this week for preschool. Now Kory knows how to spell his name. KORY!!
He only ate the 'y' at first, because he was too full from lunch, but about an hour later he came downstairs and ate the rest of it. Thanks for the fun Kory!

I'm tellin' ya -- that is one FUN preschool. We always do the letters whenever we make pancakes, but I only do the first letter of each persons name -- and we do smiley faces! You just pour the eyes, nose and mouth, let it cook for a minute, and then pour a big circle over the whole thing to make them "stick" and it makes a face! So fun -- thanks for sharing.
You are such a good mom!! I want to be like you. :)
What a great idea. I'm going to copy you and do it for chase. I'm afraid I don't have the patience to ever do it for Savannah--her names a little too long.
The girls have pancakes every Sunday!! I'm going to (CHEAT) and surprise them with their initials!! Kory must LOVE being the only one when Trey is sleeping!!
CUTE! I am definitely doing that on Tuesday! Or Maybe tomorrow, I might need the extra time to practice. My kids love pancakes too!
You are one fun mom!....good thing my kids don't know what they're missing....yet....
How sweet! I am glad you are getting some time with Kory. Each of your boys just adore you and it is fun to see their admiration!
How cute, good thing I don't cook! j/k..well kinda...Dustin is usually on pancake duty. :)
Love ya, it was SO good to see you guys Sunday, I only wish it was more often.
Hi you guys! This is Ashley Bradshaw! I'm not really sure how I found your blog but I wanted to say HI!
Kristin - did you get your hair cut? It looks's so cute!! I love how in the picture of your new Header you're all wearing bright different colored looks so cute!
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