The ward beach party started off with a limbo. Despite Monty's best efforts he didn't come up the winner. However, he rocked.
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Ward Beach Party
This week our weather has been a little bit hotter than 'lovely'. With temperatures over 100 degrees every day we were rather excited when we saw that the beach was suppose to be in the the 80's on Saturday for our ward beach party! It had to have been the best day ever at the beach! The weather was perfect with just the right amount of sun and a slight breeze.
The ward beach party started off with a limbo. Despite Monty's best efforts he didn't come up the winner. However, he rocked.
Kyle didn't do too bad either. I think Kyle's favorite place on earth is the beach! He LOVES the water, but he's game to do everything else too. I love how willing he is to jump on in and have fun. He's a lot like his dad in that way and I love it.
Every good Luau has to begin with the blowing of the conch shell and this luau was no exception. We have this shell at home and one day Kyle picked it up and blew and man...he has the skill. He was so excited to be the one to start off the luau and he did a great job.
The best performance of the day was of course performed by 4 of the 5 Salanoa boys.(Kory isn't too into the whole performing idea yet.) Tyler, Kyle, Trey and Monty went out there and did such an awesome job. I was such a proud mom! The boys have actually never performed the Haka for an audience, but you never would have known. They went out and did it like they'd been doing it all their lives. So awesome!!
After the performance it was time for smores. It was the first time I'd ever had smores using chocolate chip cookies and let me tell you...yum!!
I just had to add this picture because Kory loves to 'wink'. The other morning I had some time to spend just with him before Trey woke up and so I told him a few things I loved about him. I mentioned I love his 'wink', and since then he's been 'winking' more and more. It's his special way to say hi.
A perfect day at the beach. I'd love to relive this day! The boys had so much fun in the water too, but I didn't take my camera down to the water. Oh, and Tyler won the sand building compatition. No one else really got into it, but he built a great little castle, but when I went to take a picture of it it has already been destroyed by the water. He did get a certificate to get an ice cream out of it though, so it was worth all his effort.
The ward beach party started off with a limbo. Despite Monty's best efforts he didn't come up the winner. However, he rocked.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Boy humor
The other night Monty was playing a game with the boys. He said, "Knee pads are to knees, like a helmet is to ?" They burst out--head. Then Kyle said, "Oh dad I have one. Ear wax is to ears like buggers are to nose!" Gross, but at least he understands the concept.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Love their little brains

Last Monday for family night we took the boys to the track. We enjoy walking the track when it's cool enough and we just decided to do our family night there. I planned a lesson based on the phrase, "Go the extra Mile," to teach the kids to do just a little bit more than they are asked. After it was over Monty said to Kory. "So Kory what was the phase we learned tonight?" To which Kory said, "Run the other way!"
Kyle went to sleep balling his eyes out the other night. His brothers came in to tell me he was crying. We called him into our room to ask him what was wrong. He said, "Mom, I don't want to go on a mission. I'll miss you too much." So sweet! I was surprised he's already thinking of a mission at his young age. Monty then told him a few stories of his mission and how fun it was to serve other people. I found the moment bitter sweet as when he's actually 19 I'll probably be the one crying my eyes out and he'll be excited to go! I guess I wouldn't have it any other way.
We love our boys!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Love-Hate Relationship
Lego's!! Lego's are the greatest thing for my little boys. They can go into their room and play with these things for hours at a time. Their creativity amazes me. They mostly enjoy building ships and I enjoy seeing their creations. While they are building with these overpriced pieces of plastic I LOVE THEM. 
The problem comes afterwards when they break into a million pieces all over my house!! They end up everywhere--the worst of which is in between my toes! AHHH!! I HATE picking these things up!! I HATE sweeping them up! I HATE vacuuming them up!! Why do I keep letting them do it? I guess it's their proud little faces. Happy building boys!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Julie Salanoa
Meet Julie Salanoa. James and Cindy's latest addition to the family. She is just two weeks old and cute as can be. James and Cindy came down to California this week for a wedding so we got to meet her. Personally I don't think she looks like her sister me she has a look all her own.
I was VERY interested in how Trey would take to her...being that shortly his life will change from being the baby. I must say he was great. He wanted to hold her and then hold her again. Whenever she would cry he'd say, "Mom, you need to help him." He did accidentally head butt her, but it was an accident and didn't leave any lasting damage. He felt bad. Sorry Julie...but baby #5 thanks you for preparing Trey for his arrival. This weekend we are driving to Las Vegas for her blessing.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Carl Reuben Peterson
Saturday August 1st, 2009 was my grandpa's funeral. We drove up Friday morning and had a nice evening with family. Jared, my cousin, cooked hot dogs for everyone. Instead of getting a hotel room Monty had the great idea of having the kids sleep under the stars. The boys LOVED it. When my grandpa was a little boy he spent the summer sleeping under the stars. After one night my boys are ready to keep the tradition alive!
While Monty and the boys slept in Saturday morning Trey and I enjoyed some good old Captin' Crunch Berries--Grandpa's favorite cereal. Growing up we knew when we went to Grandma and Grandpa's we could count on having Captin' Crunch. To this day it's my favorite too. I loved having it for breakfast.
After breakfast we got dressed and headed for the chapel. We had a family viewing and grandpa looked so good. Upon arriving to the chapel I was full of emotion. I knew walking into that room would confirm that it was all really happening. Walking into that room had to have been one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life. However, looking at grandpa in that state I had a feeling of peace. He looked so peaceful and it was the moment for me when I realized he was no longer in his body. He was in a happier place.
The funeral service was wonderful. Full of emotion, but wonderful. My dad and uncle spoke about grandpa and I was filled with a greater love for him as I heard more about his life. Eddie Peterson, a cousin of my dad's sang 'How Great Thou Art' and did a wonderful job. I know my grandpa loved it. After the Funeral we all drove to the cemetery and participated in the final ceremony. Erik, Jared, Ryan, Andy, Dustin, Craig, and Monty were the casket bearers. It was neat to watch my brothers, cousins and husband preform this service for my grandpa.
My grandpa spent a majority of his life in the Army serving in both WWII and the Korean Conflict, so he was honored with full military honors. The 21 gun salute, the playing of taps, and the presentation of the flag. This was an amazing thing to behold and one that my grandpa deserved. I was so thankful my boys were able to witness it. 

I thought my grandpa's final resting place was beautiful and my cousin did a wonderful job dedicating the grave.
Grandma was such a trooper the whole day. The night before I watched her roll her hair and thought of her courage rolling her hair for the funeral of her husband of 65 years(66 next week). She is a true hero. She's taken such great care of grandpa while he's aged. She nursed him in their home up until 6 months ago when he became too weak to live at home. Then she faithfully went to the hospital everyday to talk to him and feed him. I admire her for her hard work, dedication and love to her eternal companion.
We had to leave shortly after the funeral because of some church obligations on Sunday, but I'm so thankful for the chance to have been there. It was truly a blessing. Just before leaving I wanted to get a picture of my family with Grandma! This was her first time meeting Trey! She loves kids and is so good and kind to them.
This was the most emotional weekend of my entire life. My first great loss, but I can honestly say the Holy Ghost was with us. We all felt it's comforting influence. I love you grandpa and can't wait to see you again.