And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Julie Salanoa
Meet Julie Salanoa. James and Cindy's latest addition to the family. She is just two weeks old and cute as can be. James and Cindy came down to California this week for a wedding so we got to meet her. Personally I don't think she looks like her sister me she has a look all her own.
I was VERY interested in how Trey would take to her...being that shortly his life will change from being the baby. I must say he was great. He wanted to hold her and then hold her again. Whenever she would cry he'd say, "Mom, you need to help him." He did accidentally head butt her, but it was an accident and didn't leave any lasting damage. He felt bad. Sorry Julie...but baby #5 thanks you for preparing Trey for his arrival. This weekend we are driving to Las Vegas for her blessing.
Vegas should be a fun weekend trip! I am just amazed that Julie's momma was up to driving all that was....two weeks after giving birth! WOW!
Trey is gonna be a sweet big brother...I can tell!
What a doll!! Trey will be a great BIG brother!!
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