The ward beach party started off with a limbo. Despite Monty's best efforts he didn't come up the winner. However, he rocked.
And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
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Sunday, August 30, 2009
Ward Beach Party
This week our weather has been a little bit hotter than 'lovely'. With temperatures over 100 degrees every day we were rather excited when we saw that the beach was suppose to be in the the 80's on Saturday for our ward beach party! It had to have been the best day ever at the beach! The weather was perfect with just the right amount of sun and a slight breeze.
The ward beach party started off with a limbo. Despite Monty's best efforts he didn't come up the winner. However, he rocked.
Kyle didn't do too bad either. I think Kyle's favorite place on earth is the beach! He LOVES the water, but he's game to do everything else too. I love how willing he is to jump on in and have fun. He's a lot like his dad in that way and I love it.
Every good Luau has to begin with the blowing of the conch shell and this luau was no exception. We have this shell at home and one day Kyle picked it up and blew and man...he has the skill. He was so excited to be the one to start off the luau and he did a great job.
The best performance of the day was of course performed by 4 of the 5 Salanoa boys.(Kory isn't too into the whole performing idea yet.) Tyler, Kyle, Trey and Monty went out there and did such an awesome job. I was such a proud mom! The boys have actually never performed the Haka for an audience, but you never would have known. They went out and did it like they'd been doing it all their lives. So awesome!!
After the performance it was time for smores. It was the first time I'd ever had smores using chocolate chip cookies and let me tell you...yum!!
I just had to add this picture because Kory loves to 'wink'. The other morning I had some time to spend just with him before Trey woke up and so I told him a few things I loved about him. I mentioned I love his 'wink', and since then he's been 'winking' more and more. It's his special way to say hi.
A perfect day at the beach. I'd love to relive this day! The boys had so much fun in the water too, but I didn't take my camera down to the water. Oh, and Tyler won the sand building compatition. No one else really got into it, but he built a great little castle, but when I went to take a picture of it it has already been destroyed by the water. He did get a certificate to get an ice cream out of it though, so it was worth all his effort.
The ward beach party started off with a limbo. Despite Monty's best efforts he didn't come up the winner. However, he rocked.
I'm glad the weather cooperated for your big day. Doesn't that make all the difference? What a fun ward you have. Looks like a great time :) Congratulations, Tyler, on the sand castle. I can just imagine how awesome it must have been.
That's awesome Tyler, Kyle did the haka with Monty! Hopefully they will show us there haka dance some time. Sounds like a perfect beach pictures!
What a great day! And SUPER pictures! Glory days for kids are so wonderful. And they certainly had one. I like Kory's wink juxtaposed with Kyle's tongue pose. Perfect. I wish I could have seen the sand castle, but waves are waves, and they do what they want. I think we should enlarge the haka picture. It's a classic. Glad you had a fun day!
Those are some great pictures. I bet your ready for the weather to cool down. HOpe your feeling okay.
Tell you what.... Your boys look a lot cooler and intimidating doing that Haka then you pasty white brothers did at the wedding. Cute pictures. Looks like an awesome trip to the beach!!!!
I have yet to ever see that dance performed, I think you owe me a show!!! Glad you guys had fun. I want to be at the beach so bad RIGHT now!!! :)
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