And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the son of God, that ye must build your foundation. Heleman 5:12
My Blog List
Friday, August 14, 2009
Love-Hate Relationship
Lego's!! Lego's are the greatest thing for my little boys. They can go into their room and play with these things for hours at a time. Their creativity amazes me. They mostly enjoy building ships and I enjoy seeing their creations. While they are building with these overpriced pieces of plastic I LOVE THEM. 
The problem comes afterwards when they break into a million pieces all over my house!! They end up everywhere--the worst of which is in between my toes! AHHH!! I HATE picking these things up!! I HATE sweeping them up! I HATE vacuuming them up!! Why do I keep letting them do it? I guess it's their proud little faces. Happy building boys!
Oh, the sacrafices we make for our children! Yes, we love them and love to encourage their creativity. But sometimes we need to spend a little extra time teaching them how to clean up! That's how my summer has been spent :)
Those are some super cool creations! Right now...Weston just likes the big blocky I am good...but MAN I know what you mean about stepping on legos! OUCH! Makes you want to be a cussing woman for a second!
I just got caught up on your blog. It was all beautiful--about Grandpa,about the funeral, about the baby, and about LEGOS! Thank you for letting us enjoy your blog as well as the great pictures on it! I love you.
I'm there, and feel your pain! I totally throw them away all day, but it's like they reproduce on there own, then I find myself buying more.
Your title made me lol.
We went to Lego Land this summer. It was so much fun. I can't wait to go back!!!!
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