Last Sunday Trey came in crying, "Mom, Kory called me a stinky diaper baby!" Well honey you kind of are, I told him. But how about we potty train you on Tuesday! He then went into Kory and said, "I am not a stinky diaper baby. Mom's
gonna potty train me on Tuesday!" I had to smile.
Wednesday morning I decided it was time(Tuesday we went to the snow). So, when Trey got up I put him in underwear! He sat on the toilet, but nothing! Then we went to have cereal and yep...he peed!
URR! So, I cleaned up his mess and got ready for a horrible few weeks, but low and behold...twenty minutes later--success!! After he went he said, "Mom, now I can call Savannah!!" (Savannah is his cousin that is three weeks younger than him, but has been potty
trained for like a year!) He was so proud to tell her! The rest of the day he had 100% success!
Day 2: 100%
successDay 3: 100%
Day 4: 100%
So, it's been one week today and with only one accident I have to say Trey is officially my favorite child! Not really, but we are proud of him. I've also concluded that sometimes name calling is okay.